Would you date or advice anyone to date an ex prostitute?

Would you date or advice anyone to date an ex prostitute?
If you would advise anyone to marry or date an ex prostitute, would you still give the advice if your sibling or relative is involved with one?


Anonymous said…
hmm see question
i ChoPtas Not said…
To me, its no big deal! Not like we are even
better off. Provided that word Ex is there ie
repentance we just have no choice than accept
them and their past also...Many records of
repented thieves, prostitutes et al i have heard
or came across turn out to be better off than the
so called saints/critics over them.. We can't talk
of the ancestral lineage of Jesus without talking
about rehab(An Ex Prostitute)Mattew 1-7... The
first to see the risen Jesus??? Magdalene...we
already know her story, So what are we not
talking??? Pls, let's all give them our love,
loyalty and mostly prayers!!! Rome was never
built in a day....@i_ChoPtas_Not
mr bobby said…
Ya deir is nothin wrng with dat i wana dat 1 and her name is joy and am nt ashame of her
Yes if finds love in her n if they are destined to b afterall nobodays knws her reasons 4 being a prostitute buh am not saying dat its gud 4 a gal to sell her body buh if he truely loves her she can change 4 him I mean 4 d love they share afterall love conqures all plz let's give dem love n attention n blive u me. Dia won't b any in d street love leads
SEYE said…
Yes I would if its a repented prostitute...no1 is perfect
babyblinks said…
U dnnt judge anybody by his or her past life dat z y it z calld yestday. Each day we wake up, we get a chance 2 live a beta life. So I will advice d person only if he z in lv.
K-SLIM said…
@i choptas not...I disagree with you 100%...are you saying that assuming your brother wants †Φ marry a prostitute and he neva knew she used to be one,along the line he found out and started having double mind,if he seeks your advice as his sister...will you really quote all this chapters of the bible just †Φ convince him to forget her past???my dear let's face reality,YES none is holy,but is it better for the world to know your marrying an ex-prostitute?for me...it is not advisable...cos it will bring bad image to the family...
merit said…
Prostitute na prostitute weda repented or nt as for me NOOOOO. K Slim I agree with u
jux me #mass comm# said…
I agree wt ichopatasnot.....afterall....he wtout sin shud cast d 1st stone...if men wrnt dr 2 patronize and gv dm money dr wudnt be any prostitute....
i ChoPtas Not said…
Read the question again dear... An ex prostitute? Gat it now? The devil u know is better than the angel you dnt know.... You condemn her as an ex prostitute right? Now, tell me the difference btw a prostitute and a murderer??? That gal u'll wanna marry, do u knw how many abortions she has done? do you know the implications surrounded with that? An Ex, meaning she has let go&aint going back anymore...."REPENTED" Go and read those bible passages then ask ur self questions...if jesus could take on that, what about you a chronic sinner??? After all is you men that patronize them. .... And mind u dear, Men are also prostitutes incase you don't know....So, why making it a big deal? Why didn't rehab bring a bad image to jesus or the criminal@the right hand side of jesus on the cross bring bad image to heaven??Those Illustrations if u read ur bible well shows no sin is above forgiveness.. Our Father David sinned in thousands ways in the bible&when he realised&repented, today he remains the man after Gods own heart... So My dear, quit acting saint, and face reality...accept her if u love her and let go of the past....i'll do same if am in such situation,,,,,, Yes!!!... Never condemn who God hasn't condemned....@i_ChoPtas_Not
Anonymous said…
Wetn una mean weda prostitute or not as far as sey she sabi 4k wella I go date am 4k am hard
Unknown said…
Simple question person go use answer full blog in d name of comment rememba he saud date not marry and date means sex and love so if d guys dick is small he shldnt go near but if hiz dick is fat,large big and long I wish him all d best
Unknown said…
i wldnt really advice anyone to date or marry an ex PRO,coz even if shez changed,u neva can tell wat she has gotten frm her past life(like an infection or sumtin)....nd beside one day the one involved with d ex PRO wld one day meet sumone dat has banged the gal b4,nd dat wldnt be gud.........So for me its a NO
Mantisa said…
I will never do such a thing
Anonymous said…
I choptas...na pesin blog b dis no b sundae skul forum.hope say u fit do haf of doz fins u listed
K-SLIM said…
I choptas Not forget the preaching dear...how can you compare Jesus the son of God with we the son of men...Jesus has the grace to accept those pple after they repent...dnt forget dat he also knw dia true heart...tell me....do you have the grace???how can you tell if sum1 has really repented???will you marry an ex-armed robber???mind you dat many youths after having sex today will swear that they will neva do it again,but within two days they find dia selves doin it in a big way...the past can cum knocking at the door anytym and if the person didnt truly repent he/she goes bck to dat same sin...since we mere mortals cant tell wich repentance is real or fake...can you trust such person???my dear the question is very simple and my answer remains that I wunt advice anybody to date a prostitute and I wunt date one... #KING-SLIM#
Unknown said…
I will never advice any1 2 date an ex prostitude 2 avoid some infectious diseases they had gotn out of prostitution. Pure nd simple.....!!! @I.j nurse
Unknown said…
But come 2 think of it.....guys, u should apply caution. Do u knw how many men ur gf(s) r sleeping with all in d name of money.......after u will receive "U r my only love" hahahahaha...smhow funny....¤lip seald¤. N/B: A gal(student) dat sleeps any man bcos of materialism is a lady of an easy virtue......... Igba camp babes should take it easy.......!!!
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm 4 me nobodi is perfect.....d onli tyn is jst 2 go 4 test incase...buh aprt 4rm infectn prt...ah dnt mind....dnt judge pple cuz u feel dia sin is diff 4rm urs...sin na sin

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