YUCK: Whenever I Kiss My Girlfriend, She Drops Saliva In My Mouth

So I just met this girl 2 months ago and so far, it’s been a good relationship apart from her always telling her family about our sex life. But then the bigger problem is that she doesn't know how to kiss me deeply without leaving lots of her saliva in my mouth which I usually have to swallow because I don't want to hurt her pride by going to spit right after she kisses me.
I've talked to her about it though jokingly and she always says it’s because she's usually so turned on when we kiss deeply that she doesn't have control over how much she salivates.
Do I leave a small basin beside the bed whenever we want to get it on? Or do I say Adieu to My relationship with her. I don't know what to do as I have my own saliva and don't need extra.

Advise please.


Unknown said…
Just passing why u dey tell us hahahah

Sen onowo melody oguejioffor onowo ansu dsp catty ohm melo
Anonymous said…
Lol..pele...mayb u guys shldnt kiss at all
Unknown said…
Itz nt a custom that u must kiss in any relationship.if u love the girl,u can go days weeks months n years without kissing her.u can peck her and even hug her.bt if u think that kiss is one of d tinz dat determine ur relationshp,itz ur own headk
ifeoma said…
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) so funny...I'd advice u to call her n tell her plain...don't say it jokingly to her.tell her to stop it ...y'all are dating so u should be able to correct her or tell her stuffs....she shld learn to control it o...=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=))
NONI said…
hahahaha... dey swallo d saliva na love.. until u knw wat u ar doin to ur self...
K-SLIM said…
 =))˚°◦hahahaha. < // >

_\\_ see gist Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo ...guy man if you N̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥ want †Φ swallow anoda woman saliva is very simple nah...stay the hell away from kiss or else if she drops a full tanker of saliva,oga you must swallow it Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo #PEACE#
Anonymous said…
My dear swallow d saliva naa, no b ua lov? if u truly luv d gal u dnt ned to complain even if she pee insid ua mouth all na luv. Mtcheeew
Unknown said…
The funniest post on earth
muo may chisimdi said…
All join joor,,,,,dey swallow am
Unknown said…
Elly please I would need you to shade more lights please. What and what are teenagers meant to spice up their relationships with? In your opinion
Unknown said…
hehehehehehehe, that a bad advise oo
Queen masscom said…
Tell her how u really feel, honesty goes a long way in a relationship.
Unknown said…
B prepared to hv d disease called salivacology#nkita
i ChoPtas Not said…
Your mates are busy discovering their talents lately and you are here busy finding faults and at same time making a bait/taunt of a girl who under one minute of pleasure you promise the whole world to et al... Do you actually think relationship is meant for myopic minds??? Well sweet, Ordinary i don't give advice based on a sex based r/ship but i have to do now cos i know u will need it whenever u get married to assist u in building a substantial home/family cos from what i deciphered, u re the kinda guy that discuss their gf&sex life with others...(Forgive my being too forward incase u think i am hun) Firstly dear, u must learn to fathom that " Two is a company and three are crowd.." There are umpteen ish we can settle within our selves without getting a third party involved..that person u seeking advice from has his/her own burden to jettison&most times we fall into the wrong hands seeking advice cos its not everybody that is happy with us&many frenemies will stop at nothing through charade attention to lead us astray.. You must be careful pls.. R/ship entails a lot, u teach her&she teach u in return.. Rome wasn't built in a day remember.....if worst gets to worst, commit ur partners punch strength in prayers and someday she will learn/change to ur surprise trust me.. N:B; Kissing is one of the greatest&fastest HiV transmitted disease unknown to many.. To this Effect, you are advised to go for HiV text if you can... God bless you L♥√ع ... Yes!....@i_ChoPtas_Not
Unknown said…
well,the truth is wen kissing saliva must b exchanged,buh it can be annoyin wen it is intentional or excess...so i tink u shld get her in her best mood nd try to start up a conversation wit regrds to the issue,buh make sure u approach her in a way dat z not offensive,buh if u c dat shez takin it to hrt,pet her nd make her knw dat its in the interest of u bth,gv her the assurance she needs,buh if it dosent work den u wld need to take a diff decision on weda or not to keep swallowing the saliva or to stp kissn her ,wich z likely to affect d relationhp...
U musnt kiss buh y tell us hmmm just passing o
Anonymous said…
For your information, HIV cannot be transmitted through kissing.
i ChoPtas Not said…
Get your facts well dear bfr u refute publicly.. Google is ever friendly enof to assist incase u dnt attend seminars et al... Kissing does, though the chances aint as high as that of sexual intercourse......Yes!.....@i_ChoPtas_Not
Anonymous said…
She just dey pass bacterias enta ur mouth and stomach

Anonymous said…
It does only when there is a cut in the mouth. But you presented it as if it is transmitted just anytime one kisses. Maybe the wack seminars you attended did not teach you that saliva disrupts HIV transmission.
For your information, saliva rapidly disrupted 90% or more of blood mononuclear leukocytes and other cultured cells.
Concomitantly, there was a 10000-fold or higher inhibition of the multiplication of HIV and surrogate viruses. Further experiments indicated that the cell disruption is due to the
hypotonicity of saliva.
Hypotonic disruption may be a major mechanism by which saliva kills infected mononuclear leukocytes and prevents their attachment to mucosal epithelial cells and production of infectious HIV, thereby preventing transmission. Implications for the known oral HIV transmission by milk and seminal fluid, as well as potential oral transmission to contacts and health care workers, are considered. This effective salivary defense may be applicable
medically to interdict vaginal, rectal, and oral transmission of HIV by infected cells in seminal fluid or milk by the use of anticellular substances. #learn_babe

I'm not a student like you; I work with an organization which educate young people about AIDs
Unknown said…
I have learnt this one...I just wish gma will alwayz be like dis
i ChoPtas Not said…
Lol..that my son is of age doesn't mean he has grown.... Am glad u gat ur self well tutored for the return match.. Keep it up and rocking phantom Worker..lol....Yes!....@i_ChoPtas_Not
Pberry said…
Interesting gist!
Anonymous said…
Hehhehheheheh shai make una 4get kiss nah(xsexie blingz)

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