September; Poem By Chidinma Okafor

September. Oh beautiful september.
Dreaded of all the months we call ember
Where students are forced to remember,
Both old and new alike, the timber
Which by long use are colored amber,
Employed by teachers who simply cannot be numbered.

September. When parents pay
Numerous fees but say;
I work for this money, at school do not play.
Read hard so to us you do not bring dismay
And parents and children toil away,
Having no time to 'roll in the hay'

September, marker of the beginning
Of the great December spending.
Where all, indeed, year long savings
Are spent in feasting and celebrating.
A subtle reminder if you find it pleasing,
Caution with the expenses. A new year is arriving. (Chidinma is a writer, and a 500level law student of Igbenidion university. Follow her on twitter/@chidinma94)

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Unknown said…
Alvan it has been a while. Where have you been.

The poem is nice. The diction is superb.
I liked the 2cond line.
'September. When parents pay Numerous fees but say;I work for this money, at school do not play.
Read hard so to us you do not bring dismay And parents and children toil away, Having no time to 'roll in the hay'

Keep it up Chidimma
Dulocs said…
dats a 1daful presentation
Nyc poem...
unique vivi masscomm said…
i appreciate this, is vry nice
Unknown said…
Ride on Chidimma
joli master said…
kul i luv diz.....

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