We are back and better!

I hereby apologize to you guys for my absence since Friday. It was really unavoidable. Biko nu forgive. I am back and better. Luv u all!


Dulocs said…
wats ur excuse
Unknown said…
Mr Best you too dae F.up at times, how you go dae absent since friday, no update and you say your sorry, without giving any concrete reason for the absence, and what made it unavoidable?,,,well I hope its gonna be better the way you said shaahh.
Anonymous said…
Beverly’s sex tape leak http://bit.ly/1afQO2x
unique vivi masscomm said…
i think i knw his reason
Paddy said…
Na ur b.f?
Bado said…
Alrite mr best
No pp....bro
unique vivi masscomm said…
@paddy question

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