Vote for Juliet Amarachi Gbajie for Queen of Aso

Juliet Amarachi Gbajie is from Anambra state and one of the contestants for Queen Aso rock 2013. Please she needs our votes and support. How to vote: simply click on the link below and like her picture via facebook,the amount of likes she gets determines her faith.  Click here to like   Thank you for liking.


Anonymous said…
I swear dis babe fine die....Alvan na u get dis one. Am voting right away.
Paddy said…
Taa! Alvan is too poor to maintain a gurl like this. Dis babe does not accept poor Jetter drivers. Liked it anyway.
Anonymous said…
Paddy you talk too much.
Anonymous said…
Paddy u funny,u get bad mouth oo. Lol! Bt i can see u no sabi Alvan very well. Go do research bout him,the guy doesnt make noise bt his class is way far above urs nd alot of guys wey dey make noise for ansu. I don vote shaa. Fine lady!!
Anonymous said…
I sabi dis gal ooo. Plz vote for her, she's a nice gal.
Paddy said…
I guez alvan don fuck u. Dats y u are misbehaving. Get a life babe
Anonymous said…
Fine babe. @Paddy, if Alvan don f*k ur babe na ur own problem be dat nobi our own and stop being silly. @Alvan, learn how to train your dick to be respectful, it pays to have a good sexual reputation.

Baby Oku said…
That Alvan guy needs to check himself.
Unknown said…
How much wil she pay? What bussiness of mine is it if she is viying for Miss Aso? Will she give me money? #SMH. Alvan alvan alvan, girls are deadly.
unique vivi masscomm said…
@damilola what do u mean
Anonymous said…
Weting Alvan do una. That guy to gentle ooo.
Anonymous said…
That guy inspires me,he talks less and do more. He no dey too make noise or brag! Always ob point. So paddy go get ur game tight first.
El-giver (mademan) said…
Luk @paddy learn 2comment on d topics given 2u. Dat he posted it means he ha d gal, nd anoda is dat he can't maintain such. Dos ppl we luk down on re doz dat do wondas. Don't Eva show ur self up in a public gadarin 2compare ur self wid Alvan cos u no reach quater u grab? As 4d chick she's cute nd hz ma vote
Anonymous said…
she is cute.....(liccac1)

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