Effect of ASUU strike!

Dear God, will I still find a good girl to marry?
Strike tinzzzz. lolz

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unique vivi masscomm said…
dia re many good girls out dia
Spiffy acc edu said…
Dere re still so mny gud gurls 2 marry k, do nt shake bt dis strike f a fin is really making sm ppl so jobless. Wish dey just call it off 4 d safety f d youths
Unknown said…
Abeg...these girls have been smoking before, no be strike cossam...more over the Asuu chairman said no more meeting with the F.G till 2014, so there is still a long way to go.
Sky-agric faculty said…
If u study dez gals very well u will see dat dey are all archivals in dis act.no be strike do dem.na abuja based ashawo una dey see dia oo.
cinny said…
Abeg noo be 2day de start A̶̲̥̅♏...e dn tee joor
drizzy_ace said…
Dis is dope!!! I swear I will marry anyone that accepts
Private User said…
Abeg! Women no dey finish joor
drizzy_ace said…
@unique vivi are Ʋ trying to say that b'cous dey smoke dey are not gud girls?
unique vivi masscomm said…
@dizzy i can't remember wen i said so, bt ans dis question, if ur gf is a smoker, re u going to marry ha
drizzy_ace said…
@Vivi Asap I will marry her!! Even propose to her with a jet
Anonymous said…
Comr. Gary said…
Wetin u. Go dey talk self na. Make all of dem no wia weddin ring 4 hand com bk. Cos parents are frustrated about this strike. Ad do nt want dia daughters to indulge in rubish acts.
Mr. Dulocs said…
only stupid gals indulge in such an act cos of strike

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