Missing Person!

Please, does anyone know where one small girl called Chinaecherem that used to come to Ukwulu to 'perform miracles' is now? Is she dead? Has she married? Has she started having sex? Does she have huge breasts now? Someone give me information on her,biko.


Spiffy acc edu said…
Wot kinda miracle does d little gurl perform
Spiffy acc edu said…
Mr Best wot do u mean by is she married, having sex, big breast nd xo on. Is she nt a human being
Anonymous said…
Lolz! Mr. Best abiakwa ozo. I'm sure the bebe is equally looking for you.

Unknown said…
Well...may be she went for the strike too...never mind, after the strike you will see her.
Unknown said…
she went 4 d strike 4rm dia she go marry,4rm dia she go start hvn sex, den big breast, den she go begin miracle again
Paddy said…
Lolz! Mad ppl@all
@Mr. Best u na mumu self
unique vivi masscomm said…
is she not d girl u ve been leaving wit since, lol
Mr. Dulocs said…
Best u neva tel us ur plan...see as u jst d confess,smal smal
Mr. Dulocs said…
Best just spill it out

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