Wizkid does not plan to get married until the next 10 years..lol

Inukwa! Tania, ika na eche onye? Who are you waiting for? Please go and get a life. WizzKID ain't serious. He wants you to reach menopause. hehehehehehehe
Please what do you guys think? Do you think she should wait?

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Spiffy acc edu said…
Abeg she shld go nd marry jor, wots she waiting 4 or dnt she knw women tym dey pass
unique vivi masscomm said…
who cares
Sky-agric faculty said…
Babe! Are u still there?.time no be women friend oo.maka meno ooo!
Private User said…
Manhood no dey die, womanhood dey die #Menopause
drizzy_ace said…
@vivi calm down and love wizkid
Mr. Dulocs said…
he should remain single nw unless afteralll he is still young

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