Wizkid insults a fan.

For correcting his English on a photo on his Instagram page, Wizkid told a fan that 'broke people always think they have an opinion'. His fans took offense over his comments and took out time to slash him.


Osundu04 said…
Wizzy should learn dat when he gives up,the money is not gonna follow him....
Osundu04 said…
Wizzy should learn dat when he gives up,the money is not gonna follow him....
drizzy_ace said…
Wizkid was broker dan me
Wizzy na u get ya sef
Wizzy wizzy wizkid,u still boke as u dey oh...
Unknown said…
Well every one has his or her own opinion on regular matters,
Na lie no b weti happen...d guy insult wizkid
Paddy said…
Fuck wizzy. Lucky fool
Unknown said…
moni z nt evrytin wizzy.... U were once lyk dat guy even if nt worst dan him......
unique vivi masscomm said…
hmmmm, nobody knws tmrw, dats nt fair wizkid
Amaka law-dept 100l said…
Wizzy ought 2 b very careful wit d steps he takes in lyf cos d world is nt a bed of roses
Unknown said…
You are right Amaka! The world is not a bed of roses.
babyblinkS said…
Na wa 4 dis wizkid. Talking as if moni z everytin
Anonymous said…
na lie..na dat guy,first insult wizkid..dats not how to correct someone..by tellin him, dat he should go back 2 skul..d guy. Jst d miss yan.
miss masscom said…
guys we shud not 4get da celebs hav feelings too, da guy went 2 far, tellin wizy 2 go bk 2 skul, wats dat? But wizkid shud hv bin subtle, dats y its nt cul 2 act wen 1 is upset. He shud realise da he is a public figure and think and act accordingly.
Anonymous said…
Very true

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