ANSU S.U.G Vice President and Director of Transport suspended by the house

I got this news yesterday but I needed to confirm the authenticity, so that's why it came kinda late.
After the House of Reps sat yesterday, the news that stormed my office was the suspension of The V.P Comarade Amaka Onwuzurume and the D.O.T.
The reason as it was reported to me was due to embezzlement of fund in the case of the V.P. while the D.O.T was suspended because he refused to show up when the house invited him.

The V.P was allerged to have published 70 copies of a 4page work for as much as 40 thousand naira, which could print 8000 copies of that quality of work. The print work was for the seminar held during our S.U.G  week.
 The house got infuriated and suspended her indefinitely.

Nawaaa ooo! this wan na the case of Governor Ibori of Delta state hahahahaha


babyblinks said…
Nawa oooo, she looks innocent
Unknown said…
This is serious ooo...
Unknown said…
Looks are always deceptive @babyblinks
Unknown said…
More over, this is money we are talking about here...
Unknown said…
Indedinite suspension?...this is bad ooo...with this exam within the corner...
Unknown said…
The D.O.T was suspended for something like that?simply because him no honour IV?
Unknown said…
These SUG positions them sef dae very sensitive...
Unknown said…
And all eyes are always on them ooo....
Unknown said…
Wowwww.... I am seriously enjoy this new outlook of GMA...
Private User said…
Nobody would love to sit back and watch people doing something which could affect him/her negative and even affect their legacy. The house must have suspended them for good. It is their duty to represent and protect the student's interest.
Private User said…
Nobody would love to sit back and watch people doing something which could affect him/her negative and even affect their legacy. The house must have suspended them for good. It is their duty to represent and protect the student's interest.
Private User said…
Nobody would love to sit back and watch people doing something which could affect him/her negative and even affect their legacy. The house must have suspended them for good. It is their duty to represent and protect the student's interest.
chinexx said…
hmmmmmm...wetin we no go c 4 dis ANSU
nwankwo henry economics said…
first we realised the reasons were cos of misappropation of funds but first an enquiry shld be done
nwankwo henry economics said…
we all know the foundation of any nation starts from the grass root this seems bad
nwankwo henry economics said…
she should be investigated before any decision is taken...
nwankwo henry economics said…
we all need to question the candidate we vote in for
nwankwo henry economics said…
corruption has alws been our problem in this country what a shame
nwankwo henry economics said…
she shld be tried in court if found guilty
nwankwo henry economics said…
we hope ds is not a political frame up tho
Unknown said…
@Nwankwo...I hope it is not ooo...because this no go make sense...
nwankwo henry economics said…
Nigerian politics should be made free nd fair of crime nd corruption
nwankwo henry economics said…
Okay but according to the rule of law dere shld be a hearing b4 a suspension is made....
nwankwo henry economics said…
where do we have it in the constitution that she can be suspended before been investigated
nwankwo henry economics said…
if she has been doing this then most def she does have an accomplise
nwankwo henry economics said…
the sug is not only about the people in the house it also concerns us too,remember we voted
nwankwo henry economics said…
due to the lack of a reliable judiciary 1 wl wonder if any one will ever get justice we wont know if shes innocent or not....
nwankwo henry economics said…
if shes tried fairly will dere be a chance that she will ever get involved in politics again????
nwankwo henry economics said…
people dont get to understand the SUG cos the government seems not closer to the people......
nwankwo henry economics said…
we need to get involved in the government too or what do my fellow student feel about this idea????,we should be made to know the outcome of things around the SUG.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
at the moment people can only sit and watch the outcome of events that wil unfold....
Unknown said…
That is on point.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
innocent noo be small 1
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
i dnt no wat pub admin dey turn in2 self.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
yes oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
dis kinda incidet hass occured in her dept(pub admin).
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
dia fmr presdo emblz thousandz of naira.
nwankwo henry economics said…
no 1 can be proven guilty or innocent untill said by a recognised judiciary and a reputable 1 too.....
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
sm lecturz folo 2..
nwankwo henry economics said…
we have to know the outcome of findings yet before we hit d nail with d hammer......
nwankwo henry economics said…
one wonders how the growth of corruption is begining to eat up on the supposed leaders of tommorrow
nwankwo henry economics said…
ever since nnamdi azikiwe was freed from corrupt practise afta been accused of it by a member in the house of rep in the 1st or 2nd republic,it has neva ceased 2 exit....
nwankwo henry economics said…
now how can we trust our leaders when they dont even trust each others ,what a nation we live in i just hope this aint swept under the carpets....
Mr Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
datz 9ja 4u.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
we rily nid 2
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
beautiful said…
Dis is a real shocking news.
beautiful said…
Wat is really happening in dis skul?
beautiful said…
Or is it bcos she is a lady dats y she is being treated anyhow?
beautiful said…
To me its a form of gender discrimination.
beautiful said…
How can she be suspended witout any form of enquiry into d mata.
beautiful said…
I knw if she was a man, d case wouldn't hv been dis way.
beautiful said…
Well may God continue to protect we d ladies.
beautiful said…
I advics d SUG excos to set up a good inquiry panel, to investigate dis mata and dose guilty once, should b dealt wit.
beautiful said…
Like Henry said, I tink mayb som one is d cause behind dis.
beautiful said…
Somone really want to rubbish her name n remove her from power.
beautiful said…
But we d ladies should stand solidly behind her.
beautiful said…
Dis is a real Gender dicrimination.
beautiful said…
D whole system is rotten in corruption.
beautiful said…
Nobody knows wat really happens dere. Dey do wat dey want.
beautiful said…
It is nearly impossible. Unless u r connected or somtin like dat.
nwankwo henry economics said…
For any1 calling this gender discrimination I can only say shame to us all for trying to cover up a corrupt act
nwankwo henry economics said…
We shouldn't be invoveled with crime or tyring to aid or support criminal actions whether male or female....
nwankwo henry economics said…
We don't know for sure if this is politically motivated so we can't lay blames on any 1 yet...
nwankwo henry economics said…
I hope the ladies aint gonna start a fight without a cause......
spydee+ psychology said…
Fo wot nah?
spydee+ psychology said…
Nah mehn..........nawa fo dis kyd political instability
Mr bobby ezubelu said…
Dat a nice 1 4 d vp d gal no dey political
nwankwo henry economics said…
every crime should be punishable by a crideble judiciary please not student
nwankwo henry economics said…
but i think if they had always had a month by month account of how funds are been used they should have found out about her act a long time....
nwankwo henry economics said…
what do we expect the decision of the ruling government to be because we have seen situations like this when its alws carpeted under....
nwankwo henry economics said…
the young and future of our great nation will be in cerious jeopardy......if things like this are left unpunished if shes guilty
nwankwo henry economics said…
we need the SUG to fight for us not steal for us please....
nwankwo henry economics said…
but dont you think an auditor is in the best position to decide if she did what she was accused of..
nwankwo henry economics said…
we the god fatherism every where one wonders what will be her reasobs for doing this paying back for election funds?????
nwankwo henry economics said…
we should be askin ourselves what was her motivation for doin this somepeople there must have been an ally....
Hmm...y suspend,bcox of dix minor stuff?
nwankwo henry economics said…
the school administration should also look into this to avoid any monopolistic judgement......
nwankwo henry economics said…
but with recent attitude showed towards the issuing of proper judgement when it comes to ANSU politics one can nli hope and pray justice is served well and right....
nwankwo henry economics said…
although his attitude showed towards the issuing of proper judgement.with the situation of our country it may even end this way
valentineBiG said…
People and money corrupts
valentineBiG said…
Imagine a girl is even encouraging bad nah,amaka dont like this your behaviour
nwankwo henry economics said…
it was the guilty conscience of the D.O.T that made him not to honor the invitation that was giving by the house.he has just gradually destroyed his image in d school and other places where he is known.cos its a thing of an eye sore
nwankwo henry economics said…
they really need to be severely treated according to the law.cos they aint living by good example which they swore to when they were about to be elected
nwankwo henry economics said…
this is all happening because they do not ve the spirit of ONENESS,TOGETHERNESS and BROTHERNESS.a theory by UJAMA for good leadership quality
Demy psychology said…
why is ansu going tru all dis nw, i mean dis period.
Demy psychology said…
we've bin goin tru alot lately, i mean too many things stricking frm different angles. Lets check it o.
Demy psychology said…
let her b pardoned, at least dis ones, i bliv she wudnt want to eva try dt agen.
Unknown said…
How sure are u all dat dea are no other prsns within d SUG body who in a way or d oda wasn't linked to d embezzlmnt.......well na dem sabi sha....d girl try sef......40k is too if the president will not carry more dan dat wen he will leave d office or even during the SUG WEEK....shun all dis pple....if we shud bring d bible before them all now to swear....will dey?......mtshew.......
nwankwo henry economics said…
i beliv investigation abt the matter is still in progress.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I also belive that they suppose to have call out some names if dia is any order hand behind d incidnt. because they will not like to bear the shame alone.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
All I knw is that Nigeria will nevr go curuption free.noo one will say that he dsnt chop money.even the soo Cald president.just that d vice and the d.o.t did not play dia path well....
Private User said…
There's always a sidetalk in matters like this
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
you people have not even gone half of the job
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
na beginner una be oooooo
Unknown said…
Some days are like that...
Unknown said…
It is really as it is meant to be.
Unknown said…
Let us hope the truth will be coming out soon.
Unknown said…
This can as well be a political set up.
Unknown said…
Any way...we are all living in the world...and no matter how good you are, people will always talk ill of you for sure.
Unknown said…
Any way shaaa... Lets be waiting for an update on this.
izuu masscomm said…
Shakira english dept said…
Amaka why na?
Unknown said…
Amaka you too dae f.up @ times.
Kizzy Psych said…
Nnaaa nawa ooo dat one don dey too much
Kizzy Psych said…
Nnnaa sooo soon hw many months nw nd she had started embezzling skul funds
Kizzy Psych said…
Innocency is nt written in d face its in d hrt
Kizzy Psych said…
Money dey say is d root of all evil dats truly wat she has exhibited
Kizzy Psych said…
D gap dey too much ooo 8k nd 40k she no even gt sense sef
Kizzy Psych said…
At least she should just be partdoned she wont make such mistake again
beautiful said…
Pls u r a lady, y must u b so corrupt.
beautiful said…
U ought to go dere and do tins differently.
beautiful said…
Show dem dat women r alwys beta wen it coms to administration.
beautiful said…
Let dem know dat u r dere to make a difference.
beautiful said…
Not to go dere and embezzle funds. Dats so bad.
beautiful said…
We were all looking up to you.
beautiful said…
Dis is jst like d case of Patricia Etteh.
beautiful said…
She was made d speaker of d house and failed d women.
beautiful said…
Pls we should all knw dat being in power is not always about d money.
beautiful said…
Pls we should all respect our dignity n put good name first.

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