Riot in Mass Comm Night.!


I think the problem Mass. Comm. has with its beauty pageantry for the past few years now, lie in the simple fact that everybody wants to be in charge so as to counter whatsoever the judges pass. 

Last night was not an exception, as the hall was 'set ablaze' and there was an 'in-house riot'.
Why is it that the judges cannot give fair judgement and the audience not succumb to the decision of the judges?

Take last night for instance;
Do you think the judges performed well?
Do you think the winner of the pageantry merited it even without getting a question as simple as 'What is Mass.Comm?'
What do you think of the lady that rejected on the ground of injustice? Do you think she deserve more than the 3rd position she got?
What do you think of the contestants?

Tell us biko nu!


Private User said…
Well, I can't say that everything was as it was supposed. The Judges may seem impartial while the audience - the students sees them to be partial thereby causing chaos to the whole event. The peagantry, well ofcourse may not be done with proper justice.
Unknown said…
This is Bad ooo...
Unknown said…
So these guys carry riot go awka abi?
Unknown said…
most people cant be satisfied with the results no matter how free and fair it was...
Unknown said…
For me, the results were what they were supposed to be.
Unknown said…
I know different people will have different oppinions on this issue,
Unknown said…
But that wont change the result...
Unknown said…
Neither will it change anything @ that...
Unknown said…
Some people only see partiality where there is none...
nwankwo henry economics said…
Well democracy freedom of expression na..
nwankwo henry economics said…
We can't blame the judges cos tru be told dey unstnd it,but are d judges professional enough to judge a pageant
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I dnt think dis call 4 any riot.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
D judges did pretty well
nwankwo. Henry economics said…
Its quite very shamefull that she dnt even difine were she came from.
nwankwo henry economics said…
She shldnt have protested @ d dinner nite but she had 2 vent her anger
nwankwo henry economics said…
But sometimes we don't blame the judges u knw....
nwankwo henry economics said…
The contestant where okay they put in there best
nwankwo Henry. economics said…
Beauty is not all that matter.buh ones expression and cordination...
nwankwo henry economics said…
the contestant should just celebrate with her.let dia failure be dia courage and a step to not that you fail that matter buh bien able to pickup
babyblinks said…
Wetin don appen, don appen
Unknown said…
@Babyblinks your has already happened..
Unknown said…
They are simply deceiving themselves by acting childish...
Unknown said…
Well they can believe whatever they wanted...
Unknown said…
What a shame..
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Unknown said…
Lets be watching what next...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Dat was very apoling tho!!
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Dats waz xo xo apolin tho!!
nwankwo Henry economics said…
May be d student dnt like d girl dat worn.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
LEt order deptmnt take dis as a lesson to avoid creating such scene. Again
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Cos dis is now turning into dia hubby.

Destruction.I thank God that dia wsnt much damage in d hotel....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I also pray marble arc hotel will allow d next deptmnt to use dia hall.cos dy would not be soo stupid. To do s0°˚˚◦◦° after dis incident.
Anonymous said…
nwankwo Henry economics said…
but as 4me I din expect that d result would go dat way shaaaa.buh I still I blame d sudent 4 dia actions....
nwankwo henry economics said…
Well most of the girls rioting sef una 4 contest na if e dey pain you...
nwankwo henry economics said…
But ceriousli mass comm student shld have been civil enuf na 2 take d result
nwankwo henry economics said…
But what can student do when it was so obvious dat judas actually betrayed jesus if you knw what I mean
nwankwo henry economics said…
The judges are to blame sometimes you have to listen to the voice of the people....
nwankwo henry economics said…
We need better and proffessionals as judges.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
All we need is some enlightment to on crowd control to avoi such xt time
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
well am not the judge and am not so i cant really sayyyy
beautiful said…
Dis is d mistake we all make in ANSU.
beautiful said…
Its onle in dis school dat question is d main criteria for choosing a beauty Queen.
beautiful said…
It is not done anywia else.
beautiful said…
Dis is not a quiz competition.
beautiful said…
It is called a beauty pageantry.
beautiful said…
Meaning, beauty remains d number one factor for selecting d winner not d number of questions she ansas.
beautiful said…
Its all about how she walks, how she steps, how she dances, how she speaks, wat she wear, d way she looks, her presentation, cordination, and her style.
beautiful said…
Its not about how many questions she was able to answer, or how many A's she has.
beautiful said…
Like I alwys say, brilliance is not intelligence.
beautiful said…
Even if a brainy reason should wanna b invovle in d selection process, it should b intelligence not brilliance.
beautiful said…
Answering of question should account for only about 15 to 20% of d judges score.
beautiful said…
If its dat way, wat about d facial beauty, d physique, d elegance, d height, d shape, her smiles, her stylen d way she walks, dance. Etc... R these not put into considration? These r d core qualities dat should determine a beauty Queen. Not how many question she answers.
beautiful said…
It is only here in ANSU dat you will see a fat girl wit no style coming out to contest for a beauty Queen.
beautiful said…
It is not done anywia in d whole world.
beautiful said…
In international competition, like d miss world or Miss USA, dey spend time in analysing d physical attributes of d contestants. D hair style, facial beauty, height, walking step, cordination, how she speaks, dressing, presentatio, d way she dance and how she xplain herself and ansa question.
beautiful said…
Those r wat defines a beauty Queen.
beautiful said…
Not wat happned at d masscom nyt. It was so sad seeing how d students scattered everytin.
beautiful said…
In dat competition, d students wanted d gal dat answered d highest number of question to b crowned.
beautiful said…
Did dey forget dat dey did dancing competition, dey walked to d stage, dey presented demselves, dey showed wat dey wore, deir hair style, facial beauty, shape, walking steps, smile, etc...
beautiful said…
Were all dis facts forgotten? U guys wanted d gal dat answered all d question.
beautiful said…
D girl d judge choosed was by far d best. And you all knw dat.
beautiful said…
It was jst jealousy among d masscom students for d announced winner.
beautiful said…
And pls d girls in masscom should all grow up and respect demslves.
beautiful said…
Dis is now like a constant tin. Dey alwys wanna b d judge.
beautiful said…
Pls dis habit should b d last. Make una grow up.
Mr bobby ezubelu said…
Mass com nite na 4k up
valentineBiG said…
Chuma dont think i saw u at the event...why are u commenting as one
valentineBiG said…
Buh mass comm truly dont try for dis years own,i must say dat they failed
nwankwo henry economics said…
please we should be civil here this is not the off campus lodge
nwankwo henry economics said…
the use of words like F***** should not be allowed here
nwankwo henry economics said…
need we say more the mass comm nite dsnt connote the stlyle they are nown for...
nwankwo henry economics said…
people wont realise how shamefull they act espcli in public sometimes its better to just enjoy the show
nwankwo henry economics said…
we should respect the fact that these is a high institution not a summer camp school
nwankwo henry economics said…
now we yet to hear anytin corncerning the result....
nwankwo henry economics said…
but this is a good one for us to check mate the judging of pageants
nwankwo henry economics said…
we must get classified news and information about people we chose as judges....
nwankwo henry economics said…
because we dont want relations of contestant judging a pagent
Unknown said…
First of all....dis is d first time I hav experienced mass comm night.....aldo I hearing some funny things about will dinner night start late....they wea all for the pageantry funny as it may be...the judges,the presenters wea all it a huge state of confusion nd dey all lacked was just anihw.....they would hav jus cancelled givin aniwan that award cos nothing went well there.....I was there live....d event dint jus go well........u guys shud try to arrange urselves nextime....pathetic masscommites.....imagine they wea now at the door collectin N100 from pple dat are not in masscomm dept....chaaaai...I regret goin to that event....dsame tin dat hapnd at the SUG. Nyt was d same dat hapnd talk from night till mawning....I'm not even sure if they danced dea........they need a better planning commitee to handle their occasions abeg.....
Anonymous said…
4 me , I think the 2nd contestant has no right not to accept her gift. The 1st contestant performed very well though she failed some questions. I believe that if we have agreed with the judges, all these scandals woundnt crop up.
Demy psychology said…
i wasnt der bt frm wt i herd,
Demy psychology said…
1. d judges wer not fair
Demy psychology said…
2. D winner for nt beig able to know d meaning of d course shes studying should av gone with a torch light
Demy psychology said…
3. D one wu tuk third should have just jumped up for her position.
Anonymous said…
Mass comm students are fond of disagreeing wit d judges and it is veri bad.......dey should try nd grow up 4 once.dis mass comm nyt was flopped cos it was a dinner/fund raising(beg-beg)and dey started very late and after all d moni dey realised,dey still went ahead and collected gate fee.and d. Excos were not organised at all.wat a big SHAME 2 d useless dept
Kizzy Psych said…
Lolzz funny story
Kizzy Psych said…
Dats shameful anyways a whole masscomm
Kizzy Psych said…
The Winner shuldnt be imagine common wat is masscomm she dznt knw
Kizzy Psych said…
Bt d last should really rejoice dat at least she was given smtin
Kizito Psych said…
Neva d less d 1st runner up is d winner simple

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