Gist-Me-ANSU and Ify Beauty Saloon awards Miss. Ansu and Miss Mass.Com

I was in my house on Monday morning, when Ifeanyi the male stylist at Otoko paid me an impromptu visit. He said he was ready to foot hair dressing the bills of whosoever would win Miss. Masscom and that he needed Gist Me ANSU to anchor it. 

I was so happy and encouraged. So I signed a contract with him , that Gist-Me-ANSU would also like to compensate Miss. ANSU after she was denied of the prize by the S.U.G.

Yesterday, it happened! Miss. ANSU nad Miss. Masscomm from today till they handover their crown has a free hair dressing at Ify Beauty Saloon. Below is the signed document for the contract.
Congrats to them.


Unknown said…
This is very encouraging I swear...
Unknown said…
It is so comforting especially the one of miss ansu who was denied her entitlement...
Unknown said…
This who encourage more of our students to take part in contests like this in the near by future...
Unknown said…
By the way, why is it that these prizes are given only to the female contenders?
Unknown said…
Miss ansu and miss masscom...
Unknown said…
What of their male companions?
Anonymous said…
Na moni be dat
Unknown said…
Mr masscom and mr ansu
Unknown said…
Are They not getting their own prizes too...?
Anonymous said…
Hmmm na money be dis ooooo abeg dis Mr Best get girlfriend? Me dey single o
Unknown said…
Any way shaaa... That one na their luck shaaa...
Private User said…
It is a job well done by Ify Beauty Salon and Gistmeansu. I'd congratulate both parties for their combined efforts to compensate the two Beauty Queen. The school may have failed on their own part to fulfilling their promise, Gistmeansu and Ify Beauty Salon are always trusted.
babyblinks said…
Wat a nyc award
nwankwo henry economic said…
Bigs up 2 the owner of ify saloon,we proud of you bro ur hardwork shall neva go unrecognised keep the good job....
nwankwo henry economics said…
This is d gains of enterpreanureship @ work we all need 2 take a look @ this nd be inspired
nwankwo henry said…
But mr ansu wld be wishing he was of female gender....loool
nwankwo henry economics said…
What about male winners naaa
nwankwo henry said…
I doubt if anyother higher institution gets such a support 4rm young hardworking people
nwankwo henry economics said…
buh still kip it up................ i say a big hurayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to you .
nwankwo henry economics said…
thank you xo xo xo xo much for ur generocity.we rilli appreciate.cos we have moredan 100 salon in ansu both in minimat and offcamp,buh none has evr shown dia gratitude to our female student for dia patronage.all thnks to you once again
nwankwo henry economics said…
this show that among all stylist in ansu,ify male attendant is d very best among all. despite all d funni stories studnt do say abt you,you still came up with the best idea ever..
Unknown said…
Yes for sure are right.
Unknown said…
It is not easy atall...
Unknown said…
Neither is it cheap...
nwankwo henry economics said…
some student say that ify male stylist should go and look for a better job.that hair dresing qualify him a GAY,that he has some GAY tendencies.i alwyz laugh to dem and drop dis statment to dem............
Unknown said…
I thank God for Mr Best ooo...because if it wasnt for GMA, these beauty Queens would not have gotten their results in the first place...
nwankwo henry economics said…
i alwyz tell dem dat people take difrent direction seeking for happiness and fulfillment.just because they are not on your own road does not mean they are lost.all thnks to ify saloon. you shall never lack customers in jesus name .AMEN
nwankwo henry economics said…
i belive hard work need reward.i belive ansu would reward you for this.
nwankwo henry economics said…
dis shows you are a very good enterprenuer.
nwankwo henry economics said…
this will not only improve ur famousity in ansu.buh would aslo add more cash to ur daily income. cos dis also looks more like an advert.
nwankwo Henry. economics said…
one tin I knw I knw 4 sure is dat most ansu girls like hangingout with the best girl on campus..miss ansu is now like d girls leader ansu like wise miss masscom bein girls leader in masscom.s0°˚˚◦◦° I belive dia presence in ur shop would bring more customers along alongside dia friends
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
it rily is..
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
it rily id.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I have aready told all mi sisters and cousin in ansu igbariam campus to start patronizing ify salon @ any cost of service.I think dats a way for me to reward ify beauty salon 4 her generocity to our stdntz.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
hlp me ask dem oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
i wonda oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
moni no be small 1.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Had it been I have a girlfriend would hv giving instrustion also to join IFY Saloon..buh would do dat soon.rilli wnt order saloon to see dat is good to aprreciate.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
mayb diaz na hair cut.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
yes oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
no be small 1.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
yes oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
nwankwo Henry economics said…
S0°˚˚◦◦° dat our Mr ansu and Mr masscom would not be left aside.we need to carry dem along also
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Or beta still.let ify expand d saloon to unisex dat would be very g⊙°°d Idea.still not 4get to hail my one and d most mind creative dude in ansu (MR BEST).all thnks to you.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Buh I dnt see any reason why dy shouldn't giv dem dia crown.... Ooooooow. Maybe d crown is made of gold and have been abducted for ransom !!
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
yea i doubt 2
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
no be say u talk.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
na u talk dat 1
nwankwo Henry economics said…
infact for dis eeh ur saloon suppose to be renamed.I think dis name below wud be more preferable cos ur saloon desrves it.

( ansu saloon face1 otoko)
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
dats gud.
Unknown said…
This is serious ooo...
nwankwo henry economics said…
Am already advertising 2 all dem babes @ ma lodge and nnamdi azikiwe uni babes abt ify salon.....
nwogbo onyinye aka finest philosophy said…
Well done me best and kudos to them
beautiful said…
Dis is a good tin.
beautiful said…
A very big thank you to Ifeanyi.
beautiful said…
At least Miss ANSU will b happy.
beautiful said…
If I may ask, wat about Mr Ansu, was he not also denied his price?
beautiful said…
Well its a pity he is not a girl.
beautiful said…
If I was to b him, I will go and fix a weavon.
beautiful said…
Hahaha. Won't dat b so funny, it will be his own swag.
beautiful said…
Onyi Dear, u r welcom to GMA.
beautiful said…
D population of commentors in GMA is gradually increasing.
beautiful said…
Its jst a mata of tym d whole ANSU r gonna b here.
beautiful said…
U r welcom once again to GMA.
beautiful said…
But it seems philosophy students r on d increase here.
beautiful said…
Dey hv d hv d highest commentors here.
beautiful said…
Dey hv d highest number of activ commentors in GMA.
beautiful said…
Dis will b followed by maybe masscom or psychology.
beautiful said…
GMA is really growing to be a one big and happy family.
beautiful said…
Really dis is d best tin dat hv happnd to ANSU. I am really proud of you Best.
beautiful said…
We all should put hands togeda n make dis d best.
beautiful said…
Dis is d only reasonable tin dis skul can use to brag outside.
nwankwo henry economics said…
proud of you sir you should go 4 miss nigeria contest pageant you will make nice hair 4 dem mos def
beautiful said…
So we should all do everytin in our power to make GMA grow.
nwankwo henry economics said…
my girlfriend must make your saloon top choice.......
nwankwo henry economics said…
you dont give much and expect a lil mr ify you dsrv the best.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
if all the boys can use this as a model of makin money dst wld be amazing
nwankwo henry economics said…
we dont expect him to relax on this you stl got your future so bright....
beautiful said…
D guy Is a very good stylist.
beautiful said…
He has made my hair severally.
beautiful said…
Congrats once again to all d benefactors of dis grt bonanza..
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
That is a very very big deal i think
Mr bobby ezubelu said…
No be small tinoooo
valentineBiG said…
Gist me ansu,i must congratulate them for this,they are indeed trying
valentineBiG said…
Well this is a nice package and its encouraging
nwankwo henry economics said…
we proud of you mr ify saloon more of this bro
nwankwo henry economics said…
my cousin told me a lot about your amazing work now i can see clearly....
nwankwo henry economics said…
we need you to advertise more sir to help your business....
nwankwo henry economics said…
nothing can be more encouraging than what you have done so far very encouraging...
nwankwo henry economics said…
what a simplicity to behold............
nwankwo henry economics said…
we dont know how long you have been in this business but bro you got a long way to go bro....
nwankwo henry economics said…
we need to surpport him we all cos we see a whole lot of ansu girls going to unizik junction to make their hairs and surely this dude is way better
nwankwo henry economics said…
have seen hairs made by even the supposed professionals and i can tell you this dude has got it all and more
nwankwo henry economics said…
the best will always stand out and its so clear for all to see his the best at it....
nwankwo henry economics said…
every one in ansu and outside ansu got your back bro
Unknown said…
Nice wan sha bu na only girls dey beneffit from dis tins......y don't d okpa sellers grant mr ansu 1yr free okpa N60 and purewater for a year......Gary pls thus ur replies is beginning to annoy me.....comment on d post not replyn oda pples is not even as if u r sayin wat is makin sense ooo...which wan is yup,no b smal oo,abi,lol......u jus dey reply full ground.....
Demy psychology said…
ifaenyi u dey try o.
Demy psychology said…
unbehalf of dem le me tank you, u too mch. Oshe
Demy psychology said…
na u come dey help sug for dier work cudos to u n gma jawe, una tii mch
Unknown said…
This is really great...
Unknown said…
Philosophers seriously dae top for GMA...
Unknown said…
This is a great news to the winners for sure...
Unknown said…
Lets just hope that they keep their promiss till the time they stipulated.
Unknown said…
I hope that this contract wont cause any problem among the parties involved.
Unknown said…
The guys too go fit dae feel jealous for those girls ooo
Unknown said…
Girls dae always get luck for this type of things ooo...
Unknown said…
Them go maintain naahhh....
Kizzy Psych said…
Kizzy Psych said…
Nice work ifu nd gma dats really encouraging
Kizzy Psych said…
Bt does SUG really wanna deprive dis guys of der gifts???? Dats really too bad
Kizzy Psych said…
And nw a saloon is doing der job for dem
Kizzy Psych said…
Dats really a disgrace ooo
beautiful said…
I heard d new miss masscom has been crowned.
beautiful said…
Now she can com and benefit from Mr Ifeanyi.
beautiful said…
She is indeed lucky, one year of free hair style of ur choice. Wows
beautiful said…
Dats wat we call a jackpot.
beautiful said…
Enjoy my dear. Na GOD give una beauty.
beautiful said…
A big thank you to Mr Ifeanyi. U really tried.
Anonymous said…
What is this Gary's own sef? Instead of him to say something, he'll just be saying 'abi o', 'yes', 'i wonder o'.
Say something joor!

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