First unopposed political science President!

Ekene Okelue A.K.A The Boy is Good emerges the president of Political science. This is history, the first time the office of the Presidency is unopposed in political science department. A department known for politics itself. This young man must really be good! Congrats bro.


Anonymous said…
A great and vibrant young man. D gud boy carry go.
Private User said…
Collins DBoy is gud! I dey hail. All hail new NAPSS EXCO
Unknown said…
Dats my boy dats my boy......d boy is ur post b dat joor
Anonymous said…
Thanks pals I promise to still b gud
Decency said…
Lolest. He surely deserves it, I knw he'll make us proud.
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha,decency greetings
eduemma said…
ur GOD know why u are unopposed for that position. Remember that there is more responsibility ahead of u. Kudos to u.
eduemma said…
ur GOD know why u are unopposed for that position. Remember that there is more responsibility ahead of u. Kudos to u.
Shakira english said…
Congrats dear
d boy is good said…
thanks to you all

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