Mr. Best denies having intentions for the office of the D.O.S in the forthcoming S.U.G election.

Sometimes I am forced to relent in my efforts to contribute my own quota towards the growth and development of ANSU social sector. This is because my efforts are mistaken to be a trick and a way to get into ANSU politics. Which is fallacy!

Rumors already have it that I intend vying for the office of the Director of Social (D.O.S) in the forthcoming elections. I little wonder who told them that. Whoever started that rumor is a good rumor monger and should be employed! Well, my friends, my little contribution to the growth of ANSU is due to the passion I have to be a change that I want to see. The last encounter I had with students from UNILAG was an unpleasant. It happened some months ago when I paid the Literature students a visit and introduced myself as a student of ANSU. But I was shocked when non of the students admitted to be familiar with the name ANSU talk more of Igbariam Campus. They asked me weather I was talking of UNIZIK, I said no, its near Unizik. Still my efforts to discuss my school flopped because they doubted my genuineness.

Dear friends, if things were happening here in our school those students would have heard of us in one way or the other. I please enjoin you to contribute your own quota to the development of ANSU without expecting anything in return. Daalu nu.


nwankwo henry economics said…
are you tellin us the truth mr best cos 4 sure you got ma big thump on ink stamped to your name if u ever ma spprt man
Unknown said…
Wow...I personally thought that you will be coming out.
Unknown said…
Mr Best if you come out, you will have great chances of winning.
Unknown said…
I presume that you are not interested in it because there is little or nothing more that you will be getting from it.
Unknown said…
Any way, you are truly free to come out for the post if you really want to.
Unknown said…
@Mr Best,anytym anyday...u already hav my support..see u @ d top..
Private User said…
If you are seeking the office or not, I can't go against it. Well, I pray for somebody with the ability to always be there. If you Mr. Best thinks you're capable of the office, you should go for it. If you think you can, you have no reason to deny it.
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
No comment yet
Unknown said…
Many things seriously going on in Ansu my school.
Ansu is big an great with alot of great minds and we are fully online we also have each others back visit also started on Ansu ground
Unknown said…
Well...Mr Best, me for one thought that you will be coming out for the post.
Unknown said…
But all the same, if you say that you have no intentions of coming out,
Unknown said…
Then you must surely be seriouse...
Unknown said…
And you surely have your reasons...
Unknown said…
Mr Best, lets just be looking forward...who knows, you may still change your mind.
Unknown said…
After all, we are all human.
Unknown said…
For example, there is this girl who had the appropriate means of making things work, but he did not get into action because he had no interest.
Unknown said…
And from the look of things, you are not coming out for the D.o.s because you have no interest
nwankwo henry economics said…
We all have our intentions @ the progress of this great institution and whosoever is fit 2 rule should pls get involved....
Unknown said…
Because I know that when you Mr Best dae involved, money no be problem.
nwankwo henry economics said…
But with this your afro hair sef how u go take perform oooo
Unknown said…
To be sincere, the person wae you stand for in this election, has greater chances of winning...
nwankwo henry economics said…
Well the popularity of this school is low we need more and better social minded official....
valentineBiG said…
Well,we appreciate ur big effort to us
Unknown said…
Mr best....if u want to go for the post of DOS ansu......I'm fully behind u cos u hav every great chance of comin out a winner...........wat we are been onown for now is riot...das all
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Like you said that the name ansu is not recognize outside.we need to cleance of that shame....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Mr best as far as I have rilli done gr8 to dis ansu in lessthan one year....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Even if you dnt have any intresting. We Ansu studnt will give you all our support in full....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Beacause I strongly belive that.the level you will take dis skull to b4 the end of dis section. Will be a very big chalange to order skull.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
The name ansu is now bein heard all over d counrty just within dis short period of time(few months).imagine how it would be in 4 years time...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
We also know that if not for some one like you.GISTMEANSU will nevr be in existence .....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
we knw that your reason for deniying d post is best know to you..maybe cause of your academics.....we cant tell buh we stil expect to hear from you soon...
NWankwo Henry economics said…
Most student in ansu often sayz I hate mi skull. My skull is a bush skull.. Buh none is making a single affort to break dat bond..if not. For your effort Mr best.ansu that I know will not have been as popular as it is 2day....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Buh Mr best just know that the journey dsnt ends In ur staying in ansu.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Is d legacy you will leave in ansu wen you leave that matters alort.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
you Myt not have intrest in any post now.buh gats to have a second tot... Because I knw you would do more for our skull in 2 years time ....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I alwyz belive that. Mi life is mi life . And mi life is mi rule also. It has been giving to me by JAR.s0°˚˚◦◦° AMA try to leave it to the fulleSt
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Soo Mr best dnt mind dose rumours way dy fly like DANA aircraft. We go soon crash dem
beautiful said…
I don't believe dis. Cos I want u to come out.
beautiful said…
I hv been believin all dis while dat u will b ANSU next DOS,
beautiful said…
If you don't com out to b elected, who else will u want out dere?
beautiful said…
Best u hv d ideas, U hv d zeal, U hv d will. Who else wil b beta.
beautiful said…
Seriously, we all knw d kind of DOS dat we hv been producin here. We need somone wit d unimaginable knowledge.
beautiful said…
We need dat mind dat will take dis skul social activities to d next level.
beautiful said…
Dat mind dat created d celebrated GMA,, D mind dat will bring innovation into d skul.
beautiful said…
Our SUG needs innovation, exposure, a whole new style. Dis r wat we need.
beautiful said…
Will all nid a DOS wit not jst ideas, but d will to execute dese ideas.
beautiful said…
And there is no oda person more capable dan ANSU most talented Mr Best himself.
beautiful said…
Who else will b better I ask myself.
beautiful said…
Who else will b better I ask myself. Nobody it occurs to me.
nwankwo henry economics said…
mr best all ur effort so far shall not be invain. we appreciate,just kip ur hope up and knw that the best is yet to come
beautiful said…
I also heard a rumour of Flexy coming out for d position, I ask; wat does he hv to offer? Nothing!!!
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
let not criticize for now,because some one that we may look down on may turn out to be the most creative man....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
buh as for now mr best still has the best to offer
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
lets also knw that mr best bein a student of ansu is not by chance.i strongly believe that is d lord doing.because everything happens for a reason ...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
pls mr best dont allow the rumours everywere to pull ur back to the ground..
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
well i trust you as a law student so you should know a beta way to handle issues like this.....
beautiful said…
Cos d Flexy I kn hv notin extra ordinary in him. So Best, d stage is set for you.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
mr best lets kip moving joor. ansu must be taken to a higher level......
beautiful said…
All I want frm you Mr Best is for you not to relent. People want you to com out for dis position. Cos you r d Best. Don't dissappoint our feelings.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
despite the fact na iburo DOCTOR mana ina agbazi ansu ogwu ka onwere nweee ike ikwudosike nah alaanyi gbara gburu gburu ..............
Unknown said…
That one dae shaa...
beautiful said…
We all want you as our next DOS, we all want somone wit ideas.
Unknown said…
This one no be small thing ooo...
Unknown said…
@Beautiful I think I know the person you are now.
beautiful said…
And other rumoured contestant don't hv dis.
Unknown said…
It will be a big fallacy to deny the fact that Best is really more than qualify for the post because he has done big things without any post, imagine how it is going to be if he has an office to his name...
Unknown said…
For ur mind abi?
nwankwo henry economics said…
Everyother person will or should not see this as a move up 2 his alread found fame in ansu espcli tru ds amazing blogg,but I just fill if you want smtin nd d people want you then answrd d clarion call....
Unknown said…
Any way, Mr Best has a free will to come out for or not to and I believe that he is exercising his free will.
Unknown said…
@Nwankwo, that one dae on point...
Unknown said…
Let us simply be looking @ what will happen next...
Unknown said…
After all who knows he might be changing his mind soon...
Unknown said…
Afterall it is human nature and nothing else.
nwankwo henry economics said…
With the very low popularity that this skool has got,let's be sincere we know d rite person 4 d job
Unknown said…
So Mr Best still give it a second thought though.
Unknown said…
@Nwankwo, I you made a big point because if Best gets into office, he is surely going to do bigger things.
beautiful said…
U r d most genuine to come out for d position, see wat u hv made our social life here in ANSU look like.
Unknown said…
Best will probably be making our school Ansu a nation wide name.
Unknown said…
Though I will suggest that your decision should come out from the bottom of your heart and free will.
Unknown said…
Dont feel compel to come out if you dont want to.
Unknown said…
On account of what people are saying.
Unknown said…
Because wether if you like it or not, people go dae talk about you.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Buh let's not panic much until Mr best declers his intrest in d post..
Unknown said…
Because people will always talk no matter what.
Unknown said…
Every thing is left to you Mr Best.
beautiful said…
See how much he has impacted into our social life jst dis short while.
beautiful said…
He did dis witout being in any office.
beautiful said…
He did dis out of an inborn desire of uplifting ANSU social status.
nwankwo henry economics said…
Ansu needa sm1 who can be vibrant and very sociable willing and able 2 attract pple 4rm outside d skool in nigerian and outside d nation to.
beautiful said…
I wonder wat he will do wen given d mandate to command ANSU social activities.
beautiful said…
I believe wen called to office, dis young man will fight and make sure ANSU social image and activities will compete wit any skul in Nigeria.
beautiful said…
Dis young man has got all it takes to get us dere.
beautiful said…
All we hv to do now is to make sure dis rumours com to pass.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Wen the time comes we will know who the cap fits.....
beautiful said…
We all hv to make Mr Best win as d nxt DOS of dis skul.
beautiful said…
We wil persuade him to com out, wether he likes it or not.
beautiful said…
Cos from jst looking at tins he is by far d most qualified candidate.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
We will give him all our support. Buh the ??? Is Mr best willing to take the post???
beautiful said…
He will take it if we all let him know he will definatly win it.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Soo our dear Mr best.just do as ur spirit leads .....
beautiful said…
I am now calling on U Mr Best to com out and b handed d peoples mandate.
beautiful said…
He should definatly com out. He is d best choice.
beautiful said…
Dat is exactly wat I am talking about. He is d best candidate.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I dnt think apointing best is d best solution.... Because him wining the post is certain if he vyis for it.since he still denies it.let's kip calm and watch out for the next episode of Mr best..... Cos I belive that is rilli planing somtin bigger for ansu dis time
beautiful said…
I totaly agree wit u Henry.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
because I dnt see any of our leader in ansu now even d sug president.... None of dem is rilli working towards the betterment of our skull......nah onli to dy embezzle money up and lesthan 3 months of appointment ..... Dat very very appoling tho!!!!
nwankwo Henry economics said…
S0 is not the position you acquired that matters buh wht matters is wht you can offer to ur fellow student dat will benifit dem positvely....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I see Mr best as a hero in ansu.let's give him all our for mi... I and all mi relatives in ansu have vowed to give him our maximum support. Sooo I dnt knw abt yu.........?
Unknown said…
This is a typical example of the more you look the less you see.
Unknown said…
This one dae very risky for sure...
Unknown said…
This na hard decision to make oo...
Unknown said…
Let us hope that he will be changing his mind soon...
Unknown said…
We will be expecting much...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I trust Mr best wen it comes to decision makin tho!!!!
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Let's encourage him to do more...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Sooo let's kip our faith up cos Mr best will do more...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Even if you l8a declare ur intrest in any post I see noo soul in ansu who gat all it take to stop you..... Nor to compit with you.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
soo may God guide and direct you as you do more ...........
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
if best continue like this.b4 two years coming..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
dat means anywere they hear ansu they gats duff capito badabada cos we pass dem
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
many schools dey beef us say we no follow. mana best abiago..........
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
mr best don dey tell dem say nah oburugodi nh faa jiogwu na oma nma...maka nah ansu nozinaegwu
Unknown said…
Mr Best remains the Best....
Unknown said…
We seriously need to be thinking of something right now for sure...
Unknown said…
By the way, Best why wont you be coming out?
beautiful said…
Dats d truth. We r now online.
Mr. Best said…
Emmm friend I am confused. I woukd have loved to come out for that office but the fact that people see my efforts as a political bribe. I still have a lot of things in stock for ANSU even without that office. I can still acheive whatever I want to achieve outside the S.U.G office. Daalu nu.
Demy psychology said…
bliv me wen i say ure an inspiration
Shakira english dept said…
Mr best no mind dem cos dey be amebos.ANSU NAWA 2 UNA O.Any way mr best i rily want u to come out becox u are d change dat ansu needs to be transformed socially.
Demy psychology said…
u speak ma mind most tyms
Demy psychology said…
most of ma frns outsyd here dnt kno wt is ansu nt to tok of wer it is
Demy psychology said…
trust me, u'd mk d best d.o.s in d history of ansu if u do dis.
Demy psychology said…
get at it mr best n shawn all dier sayings, ppl are bound to talk, carry go jawe, WE R SOLIDLY NEXT TO U!
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
all you need is just to declare ur intrest. and belive you me, noting will stop us from giving you our full support
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
mr best is still the best man with large sense of creativity in ansu quote me anywere
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
must time i wish you are my yunger brother @ mr best buh it sad i dnt have any.........
babyblinks said…
Unknown said…
Whats that for?
Unknown said…
I still dont get it.
Unknown said…
Things will surely change if you get in...
beautiful said…
All I am saying is dat u must b our next DOS.
beautiful said…
Let's look at it from all logical point of view, he is d most qualified.
beautiful said…
He has d best achievment.
beautiful said…
He has ideas, and also d will to execute dem.
beautiful said…
Look at wat Mr Best hv done witout being given any official mandate.
beautiful said…
Imagine wat he will do if he is officially given d mandate to do so.
beautiful said…
He will change d socaill status of ANSU for good.
beautiful said…
He is already doin dat witout a mandate.
beautiful said…
Weda u like it or not u must b d nxt DOS.
beautiful said…
Dis is my own opinion.
Kizzy Psych said…
Nawa ooo mr best who dey talk dat kind rubbish nw
Kizzy Psych said…
Abeg appear ghost mode oo tupu ha erie gi
Kizzy Psych said…
Phyno said Ekwulekwu, a na ako so pple are bound to talk bt carry onwe dey behind u
Kizzy Psych said…
Even if u later decide to vie for d post we go vote u nd u alone
Kizzy Psych said…
Keep it up man and be strong
Kizzy Psych said…
No fuck up ooo we dey behind u
Kizzy Psych said…
dos are just pple afraid of u being dat bcos dey knw u are already our dos
Unknown said…
Good to think of it...
Unknown said…
You can still have a shortage of choice
Unknown said…
The future is @ grasp...
Unknown said…
You are the best one for this...
Unknown said…
You need to have a rethink
Unknown said…
Think of the future...
Unknown said…
But always try to be steps ahead of ur enemies
Unknown said…
Mr Best you can still come out if you want to...
Unknown said…
You still need to come out for this ooo...
beautiful said…
I tink he must now hv seen a reason to com ouy.
beautiful said…
Cos after much persuation, he won't b left weit more choice.
beautiful said…
I tink he is now convinced dat he is d best candidate.
beautiful said…
He has now com to agree wit all of us.
beautiful said…
So I believe dat by next year you will b our DOS.
beautiful said…
So wit dat I rest my case and watch wat happens nxt.
beautiful said…
Can't believe am out watchin d match by dis time!
beautiful said…
Aeeyah Nigeria jst got me angry.
Mr best u knw ur doin a gud wrk with personal interest.most of ur write up dnt hav prove.
Kizzy Psych said…
Bia DOT koro dis nonsense gbawaaa door

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