The rumour reaching me says that Pol. Science would no longer hold their night. This is a rumor yet to be confirmed. But not withstanding, GIST-ME-ANSU does not fail its promise and MUST give out its prize to the most active from Pol.Sci. department. This might take place during the Mass. Comm night. Congratulations Egboluche! You won the HTC G1 Android Smart Phone for Mass.Comm Department.


Private User said…
Wowwww.... Congratulation Egboluche... Lol
Private User said…
This is great...
Unknown said…
Congrats........gud news tho......
Unknown said…
Pol sci....u go fear na

Last yr no night.......dis year no night....
Next night.....

I pray say I go pay deptmntl due......dea father dea
IteEgo said…
Hw sure is u guys dat dis man called fuckin best is nt giving 'china htc'
Kizzy Psych said…
lol dis guy u funny die
Kizzy Psych said…
Hey boi mind d kind of language here boi
Kizzy Psych said…
NAwa ooo so dis guy later won dis stuff odikwa sharp ooo
Kizzy Psych said…
I even tot itr was valentine big dat wuld win dat price sef
Kizzy Psych said…
Besides y was d eco guy given samsung galaxy nd nw dis guy wuld be given a htc fone???
Private User said…
If I should say, VALENTINE BIG I suppose is meant to win the competition for Mass Comm.
spydee+ psychology said…
Daz great
valentineBiG said…
Really hoping unto God
Unknown said…
No wan knows hw they get d winner frm each dept...
Private User said…
Chizoba Egboluche Mass comm, I am happy for you.
Unknown said…
@Egboluche, I am really hapi for you...
Unknown said…
You made it, you are the winner of this gorgeous android...congrats ones again.
Private User said…
How did she do it?
Private User said…
I'd love to know how.
Onyinye Ume said…
@Chizoba, I am really hapi for you(kudos)...any way, I wonder who the winners from pol sci and philosophy will be,
Onyinye Ume said…
Any way, I guess that the winner from pol sc will either be Chuma or Cyprain__and from philosophy will either be Mr Gary or Stanley Aniba...
Chamaka said…
Can anyone tell IteEgo to leave this place? Proud fool. Itego yet ojiro ego.
beautiful said…
I tot it wuld hv been Val.
beautiful said…
I am so suprised, its unbelievable.
beautiful said…
Well na GOD knw hw dey count dis tin.
beautiful said…
Congratulation to you Chizoba. I am so happy for you.
beautiful said…
Mr. Val take heart.
beautiful said…
Who d hell is dis Ite ego?
Unknown said…
This itego is indeed a nuissance oo..
Unknown said…
What type of statement is that?
beautiful said…
Y are u here? U r so useless. I wonder d kind of person you are.
Unknown said…
I hate people who are not happy when something good happens to others.
Unknown said…
That itego sef...ndimpianya...
Unknown said…
Any way shaa...Mr Best you shouldnt mind that fool.
Unknown said…
You keep doing the goodwork in Ansu
Unknown said…
You will be surprised how your selflessness will give you international recognition beyond your Imagination, just keep it up.
beautiful said…
Dis is enemy of progress.
beautiful said…
Som people will b jelos of oda pples success.
beautiful said…
Imagine d useless name u bear.
beautiful said…
Pls respect urself..
Unknown said…
Just leave the Amebo...
Unknown said…
He has never commented before, it come reach when person win something na then him come dae comment rubbish.
Unknown said…
Look...itego you seriously dont need to be pasting irrellevant comments here.
Unknown said…
Egboluche, I am looking forward to when you will receive the phone in your night.
Unknown said… did well
Unknown said…
I am really hapi for you...
chizoba Egboluche-mass comm said…
Tnx 2 all of u am really hapi that am d winner of d phone. Everyone will be suprise or want 2 knw d rison y I was chosen u knw wat I will tell u guyz check mi records nd knw wen I started nd hw far I hav gone 2 be awarded d winner. U guyz hav 2 knw dat it was free nd fair
chizoba Egboluche-mass comm said…
Will like 2 use this medium 2 show mi sincere gratitude 2 d managers,facilitators,sponsors,members nd users of gist me ANSU u guyz are really doin a good job. Kudos 2 u all!!!God bless
chizoba Egboluche-mass comm said…
Gat no much wrdz all I cn say nw is tnx tnx tnx
Unknown said…
Wow...Chizoba, it is really great to hear from you in such a way, I shows that you are indeed one of us and not just because of the prize...
Unknown said…
For Mr Best to have seen the winner in you that means that you surely deserve it...because he knows best...
Stevengold( C.M.S) said…
That' s good
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
Nelsonbkf said…
Chizoba congrat he no easy
Always me johnprecious said…
Chizzy congrat i wish i can make u m galfrnd 2 help celebrate it well
Unknown said…
Hahahahaaaa..........chamaka.......I weak for that knid prsn.....very annoyn fool
Unknown said…
Sorry onli for dream dat wan dey hapn.....galfrnd ko....mtsheeew.....
beautiful said…
Hahhaha. Precious u r so funny.
beautiful said…
If u can't woo a girl, y not say so.
beautiful said…
Take ur time. Here aint facebook or 2go.
beautiful said…
So don't use dis medium to start toastin a gal.
beautiful said…
Wow Chizoba such a nice speech.
beautiful said…
Congratulations my Dear. It aint easy.
beautiful said…
I am so happy for you Dear.
beautiful said…
Don't mind d pple sayin u don't deserve it. U really do Dear.
beautiful said…
Hv a grt celebration tonyt.
beautiful said…
Who will take me to masscom nyt?
chizoba Egboluche-mass comm said…
Yea yea here comes d long awaited mass comm nyt nd am personally usin this medium 2 invite all d users of Gist Me ANSU 2 this great party nd I promise u will neva 4get it nd seriously u guyz will enjy it.
chizoba Egboluche-mass comm said…
@ beautiful mi no be guy would hav sponsored u. Buh mi knw say ur boifrnd will do sumtin jxt tell him abt it. Will be expectin ur presence will be a great pleasure 2 see u all on stage takin pix wif mi as am receivin mi gift. I will be hpy if Gist Me ANSU users will grant me my request
beautiful said…
Tanx Dearie. I wish I a memorable nyt.
beautiful said…
Really lovin dis nyt.

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