British PM to persuade Jonathan to give equal rights to gay/lesbians

Britain will  engage Nigeria on the bill seeking to stop same-sex marriage, British Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday.

He was speaking against the backdrop of the legislation already passed by the National Assembly prescribing 14 years imprisonment for same sex marriage offenders. The bill is waiting for presidential assent to become law.

Cameron said yesterday “nothing should be off the table” when it comes to foreign aid and protecting equal rights. He spoke on a BBC programme.

Cameron told the BBC that he would be raising the issue with Nigeria’s leaders.

“With countries like Nigeria, where we have a very good relationship, a very strong relationship, nothing should be off the table”, the prime minister said.

“So when we meet with Nigerian politicians and Nigerian leaders, we should be very clear about those things that we agree about and very clear where we disagree.”

Mr Cameron said the UK has a “very good record on equal rights for lesbian and gay people”, adding: “we believe that’s right for every country in the world.”

“The matter of your sexuality is something that shouldn’t be a disadvantage to you [just as] your religion, or your race, or the way you should choose your life “
When asked if UK foreign aid should be docked from Nigeria, the prime minister said: “We will have to have some conversations with them, as I said nothing is off the table and we should have these conversations, but we also have some very important objectives with the Nigerians for instance to deal with the appalling rates of poverty in the north of Nigeria which [is] part of a problem that affects not just Nigeria but the rest of the world.”

The PM added: “But as I said, nothing [is] off the table; always prepared to have these conversations, and my view very strongly is that we should have proper equality for lesbian and gay people and that should apply everywhere in the world.”


Private User said…
The White has their way of doing things. They have their traditions and culture and we have our. Though Nigeria may somehow be influenced by Britain, we are now independent. Let them be on thieir own, we on our own. #nopersuasion
Unknown said…
When did britain start telling nigerians wat nd wat to pass as a law...their era has passed alredy.....let them let nigeria be dis some sort of neo-colonialism or wat........I never c dis type oooo
nwankwo Henry economics said…
We knw that gay and lesbian is wht we see in our everyday activity in Nigeria. Buh we cnt allow it to get to dis extent
nwankwo Henry economics said…
What ever trade we had with dem during the past... is a past story...anyway let's look up to our president....
Private User said…
"That should apply everywhere in the world"? This man is funny
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Well we all know our president is not a caword... Let's hope he wunt be soo foolish to sell his county.....
beautiful said…
Dis is so studid. Same sex is not jst only a sin against God, its a TABOO to our African believe, its a crime against humanity and above all its a crime against mother Earth.
nwankwo henry economics said…
This is what u get wen u don't develop your home grown resource and depend on foreign influence....
beautiful said…
Dis is so studid. Same sex is not jst only a sin against God, its a TABOO to our African believe, its a crime against humanity and above all its a crime against mother Earth.
nwankwo henry economics said…
We don't need the british tellin us what to do...
nwankwo henry economics said…
We made our constitution we gonna stand by it....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Obama ist started dis wen he legalised. Gay marriage in America....
nwankwo henry economics said…
Someone pls tell the PM that ds aint 1957.......
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Am not suprise abt dis news.cause they have been loking for a beta way to dominate dis all posible means..
nwankwo henry economics said…
David cameron thinks he can just come around and boss every black african nation around???
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Pls let's try to make dem knw we aint going into any agreement with dem
nwankwo henry economics said…
We all should be alert cos this nations are g8 and the influence they got on underdeveloped nations like ours is so massive...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
British should not even think abt that.let dem continue dia gay life style.......
nwankwo henry economics said…
Dude is talking about reasoning with our politicians,he better don't cos if uts our politicians then we done for ooo...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Because we all know that gay is the only tin dy know how to do best ......
nwankwo henry economics said…
Now see what the western influence has caused us....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Beacause their famous Christian singer that we all know is well and legaly married to a follow man..(ELTON JOHN). I belive we all knw him..
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Very soon dia name would turn to gaytain not Britain ..... Wht a stupid story.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I for say.cos all the gay request in mi facebook alwyz come from Britain..... ....let's pray our govrnmnt would have a beta way to handle dis issue... Cos its gona be soo disasteros...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
I belive they wana start with us in Africa cause they knw ee ar the giant of africa .....
Unknown said…
Those people are sick.
Unknown said…
I hope that our leaders wont fall far their cheap trick...
Unknown said…
Their plans no go work.
Unknown said…
Why should we legalise such an atrocity in Nigeria?
Unknown said…
Their papa na woman?
Unknown said…
Any way...that one na waist of time.
Unknown said…
Because I know that our leaders wont accept such...
Unknown said…
Because if our leaders accept and concede to their deception,
Unknown said…
What happened to sodom and Gommorrah will happen again...God forbid.
Kizzy Psych said…
Dat man na big fool
Kizzy Psychology said…
Na man wey born am or was it a man he married
Kizzy Psych said…
At his age nd level of intelligence he still reasons like a kid nd illiterate
Demy psychology said…
Dis guy gotta b kidding me
Demy psychology said…
Is he with his brain or hes using his legs to think
Demy psychology said…
If im in a beta position id rip him off dt position hes handling
Demy psychology said…
I know most of dese ppl dnt go to church: so dey dnt kno Gods phobia for this things
Demy psychology said…
Na illuminati dey wori am; nmo respect for wt God again
Unknown said…
No be small ooo...
Iam Awesome said…
Why don't they give equal rights to criminals and hudlums.
beautiful said…
Its so sad to knw dat one day even d once we start seeing demselves as a senseless animals. Even animals can differenciate good from bad, male from female. Etc...
beautiful said…
It is an abomination against d law of nature.
beautiful said…
The British always wanting to dictate to us how we make our laws.
beautiful said…
The British always wanting to dictate to us how we make our laws.
beautiful said…
Dey call it protection of Human right. How can a man want to marry his fellow man and you call it human right?
beautiful said…
Its against our African philosophy. Though african country like SouthAfrica hv gone on to legalise same sex marriage.
beautiful said…
Dis is an abomination against d believe of d africans.
beautiful said…
D British keep threatning d Nigeria goverment withh d withdrawal of aids to d country
beautiful said…
Dis alone prompt me to ask, how much do dey hv, wat is it dat dey give us as aid? Wat is dey hv?
beautiful said…
On a good day putting aside corruption, you will see dat Nigeria is a hundred times Beta dan d whole of Britain.
beautiful said…
We hv a beta and lager natural resource, we hv a bigger landscape dat is a bigger country. We hv a higher population, economicaly meaning we hv a larger market.
beautiful said…
Nigeria is jst like a baby still in d stomach getting ready to b delivered..
beautiful said…
Wit time in d nearest future, if tins r well managed, we will b d one giving aids to dem.
beautiful said…
Dis is bcos Nigeria as a country hvnt yet achieved up to 10% of her potential.
beautiful said…
Yet dey r in deir peak of deir economic achievement and dey can't stand up to oda nations in d world.
beautiful said…
Y didn't dey say dat to China, Japan or even south Korea, all dis nations are all against gay marriage but yet dey had no opposition, cos dey r among d world best economies.
beautiful said…
D British tink by withdrawing aid will make us stop d bill? Dat will not happen.
beautiful said…
We r Africans, we deep rooted in custom, traditions and ancestral belief. So we are so against any for of same sex relationship, cos our belief as Africans is against it.
beautiful said…
Dis is why we r Blacks, we can tell good from bad, we still hv concience,
beautiful said…
We still know wat is morally right and wrong.
beautiful said…
And we all say no collectively to any form of same sex relationship.
Unknown said…
Yes your right there...
Unknown said…
What is even the worth of their aid in africa as a whole
Unknown said…
Not to talk of Nigeria in particular.
Unknown said…
They make it sound as if they are our provider and that without their aid we cant survive...
Unknown said…
Fools...since they are practicing it in their country no problem,...but what is the idea behind their wanting to force their ideology to others?
Unknown said…
Come to think of it, there was a protest some time ago by these people over the prosecution of their own.
Unknown said…
If these people are bold enough to come out and protest after the passing of the bill, that shows that the thing these british people are saying is seriously getting to their head.
Unknown said…
Even for Naija, these people are now bold enough to come out and protest,...that means things are seriously falling apart.
Unknown said…
Na only God go fit save us from this...
Unknown said…
Seriously speaking, these people are biting more than they can chew ooo...
Unknown said…
This is surely a wake up call...
Unknown said…
We cant just stand aside and watch our history and culture fall apart...
Unknown said…
We really need to put all hands on Deck and fight this malady.
Unknown said…
Because we all know that which is both morally and ethically right.
Unknown said…
This is really something very serious...
Unknown said…
And I believe for sure that it should not be taken lightly by any of us @all....
Unknown said…
Because such will be extremely detrimental to the survival of the human race...
Mr bobby said…
British dey mad oooooh watin be deir own
Kizzy Psych said…
Dat is really madness hw can dat be done in this our God blessed country
Kizzy Psych said…
Dis same sin dat sodom was punished for dats wat dis man is trying to bring up again
Kizzy Psych said…
Infact na im papa nyash go be homo
beautiful said…
Dis is against our believe and also against d balance of nature.
beautiful said…
God for I'd dat same sex relationship is recognise in Nigeria.
beautiful said…
It pains me to knw dat d British govt r still talking about aid to dis country,
beautiful said…
Wen dey knw dat we hv far greater economic potential dan d whole of Britain.
beautiful said…
Take a look at Brazil for instance, dey now hv a better Economy dan Britain.
beautiful said…
Nigeria is also fast rising ecoomicaly.
beautiful said…
Very soon, Britain will beg us for Aid.
beautiful said…
Bcos of aid, dey will b threatining d smaller nations to do according to deir bidding.
beautiful said…
Mr prime minister, tanx a lot, we don't wnt ur aid or opinion.
beautiful said…
We r not fools or animals, we knw wat is good n bad, we knw wat is natural, we can tell wat is moral. U guys over dere seem to ignore dis fact. And God will soon intervene.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
a bad way 2 show our lazinesss
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the constitution of our country stipulates a 14years jail term for those who are caught in the act
nwankwo Henry economics said…
is wht we choose to do that we do.... Soo dy dnt have any right to tell us wht to do ..
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we cant let gay to be establish here ooooooooo.............
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
buh this is still funny to the ear .....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
wht do dey enjoy in dis gay and lezz issue...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
i see them them as abnormal people shaaaaaa...........
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
they have well known gay men outside Nigeria.........
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
and even if they insist on introducin gay marriage in nigeria.......its not gona be that easy ..........
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
do we have to always be bullied by this british animals???
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
this shows that the world would soon come to an end.......
Unknown said…
Na God go punish them...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
they aint mad ooooooo.dey are just saying dia own opinion
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
so is now for us to decide..............
Unknown said…
No way will that happen...
Unknown said…
Na only for their country wae those things go dae happen.
Unknown said…
This wont improve our humanity in any way...
Unknown said…
We need to turn to God and seek him.
Unknown said…
He is the only one who can see us through this for sure...
Unknown said…
So please we need our salvation...
Unknown said…
Even if this is the end time...
Unknown said…
It shouldnt be the end of our salvation ooo....
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Its a welcm development
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
I lv dis
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
So dat dis unGodly act wil stop
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Niger 4 life
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Dis is one of d gud treaties nigeria has dabble into
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Stanly yu be gay..?. Dy wan make ur country dy wed gay for church yu dy shout niga for life...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
they want nigeria to gave gay marriage equal right.....thats wht the post all abt ooooooooo
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the government of nigeria will have to be cerious with it...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
stanley anba philosophy how did you pass the common entrance exam????? cos u re confusing your self.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we need to stop the act it is no good way to proffer economic solution.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we should undastnd the post b4 commenting aint about winning the prize sometimes u shld educate other people who will comment too,but i guess mr stanley anba was thinking about the phone that he forgot the main subject
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
nigeria dont need any nation or any top nation in quote to be one of thwe top leading economy....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Stan take alook @ dah post once more!!!!!
Unknown said…
I don tire for this people...
Unknown said…
This can never happen in Nigeria in Jesus name...Amen
Unknown said…
Na God go punish them
Unknown said…
This is real conflict in humanity...
Unknown said…
This must not be accepted.
Unknown said…
Even animals can not commit such a sin.
Unknown said…
Na God go punish them...
beautiful said…
We should all forget about foreign aid and move on.
beautiful said…
Dis british govt hv notin to offer to us Nigerians.
beautiful said…
Dey r so poor at d moment
beautiful said…
Nigeria is even beta dan dem and dey know it.
beautiful said…
Its jst a mater of time. Our economy will b ripe.
beautiful said…
We will b d once to giv dem aid .
beautiful said…
Den no one will b able to open his mouth and say rubbish.
beautiful said…
Cos we will b able to say no to dem witout any fear.
beautiful said…
It pains me dat dis were d same pple dat introduced christainity to us.
beautiful said…
Dey r now goin against all ethics of wat det introduced.
beautiful said…
Dis is total abnormality.
beautiful said…
How can a man start liking his fellow man?
beautiful said…
It goes against d balance of life.
beautiful said…
But it will neva happen here in Nigeria.
beautiful said…
Any gay caught in dis country will go to jail for 14 yrs.
beautiful said…
I jst pray d president should sign d bill into law as soon as possible.
beautiful said…
Or is he scared???? I wonder!!!

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