Finally Miss Mass Comm. Crowned!

 Lolz...Can you see that? That was Ify, one of the contestants for the beauty pageantry Miss. Masscom. she is being lapped by a staff of the department.  Maybe I would call that a cry of JOY!!!! Finally she was compensated with a price for being the choice of the people...

 I loved this particularly! What a nice union of the both contestants.

 In the pic is the current Miss Masscomm, Favour Ugokwe the former Miss. Masscom and the 2nd runner up.
                                                                 Betty with friends
Congrats dear! Gist Me ANSU and Ify Beauty saloon is devoted to making you look good Miss. Masscomm. Just feel free to walk in and get your hair fixed!


Unknown said…
Good news....holy heavens....
Unknown said…
woooww gud hapi for her..
nwankwo henry economics said…
That's really good and amazing
nwankwo henry economics said…
She is really preety.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
The former miss mass comm is a beauty queen GOSH wld love to meet her won't
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Buh all d same congratz our new miss masscom
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Ify yu 2much sef.. Cos of yu marble arc hotel hall waz set ablaze...........
nwankwo henry economics said…
The current queen shld be gratefull to the people we made sure she appears the real winner....
nwankwo henry economics said…
She should be an example of selfless behaviour.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
Her attitude 2wards it has been very decent and worth emulating
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Dear ify just be strong.cos yu would gat lots of enrmies now oooo.....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Cos many would be fakin smile.....(ndianya ufu) LOL ..........
nwankwo henry economics said…
Sometimes you need to be calm and patient.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
We now realise dat nigeria indeed can be a free an fair place 2 live in.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
Are we open to the option of a justice and equity been uphold inthis country
nwankwo henry economics said…
Now with this we are certain dat d best will alws be gotten @ anytin she does....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Well hv alwyz knwn yu as a decent lady.....just be ur self.....congrz once more.
Private User said…
It must be a joyful thing for the young lady. From the picture, she smiles brightly and I think she is happy like anyone in her position would be happy too. It is a joyful thing.
Private User said…
It must be a joyful thing for the young lady. From the picture, she smiles brightly and I think she is happy like anyone in her position would be happy too. It is a joyful thing.
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Let dat not affect ur soo happy for you...
nwankwo henry economics said…
The dept of mass comm has showed dere re a dept of truthfullness...
Private User said…
It must be a joyful thing for the young lady. From the picture, she smiles brightly and I think she is happy like anyone in her position would be happy too. It is a joyful thing.
Unknown said…
This is a great news...
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Many nevr wanted you dere....some said you aint pretty.....dat yu dnt desrve it ....
nwankwo henry economics said…
She should be gla now becos it must have really been some really trying time 4 her earlier....
nwankwo henry economics said…
The true test of beauty aint really about ur make up's ur skinpy dressing or the model of phone you using as it is the case wit some girls this days but its about how well you affect the life's of other individuals some people you rarely now or have any idea about them and still treat them with so much love that is true beauty.....
Unknown said…
People said all manner of rubbish against her just to ridicul her candidacy
nwankwo henry economics said…
People wil ask did mass comm have to wait for a fight b4 d crown was given to her????
nwankwo henry economics said…
People will always have an opinion of issues and it has to be different 4rm every other @ times dat calls for some critical judgment cos some people didn't find her the true queen dsnt mean they ont have there reasons they do but sometimes there exit the final judgement and that's all that count.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
She's sure a champion
nwankwo henry economics said…
We don't judge people before the result of the event,sure example of 1
nwankwo henry economics said…
She's a true champion even afta a whole lot that was said!!!!
Iam Awesome said…
Please I'm not here to diss oh... But why would someone make several comments on a row, its tiresome to read those things. Why not expressly put your comments together in a one will apper more comprehensive and matured. Congrats Miss Mascom
Unknown said…
Yes I believe that is that other people can feel free to comment
valentineBiG said…
Congrats to her
eduemma said…
who the cap fit, let her wear its. Kudo to my sister
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
They lok nice
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
At Zodi do pple ridecule her
Unknown said…
Am happy 4 her
Unknown said…
Let regoice wit dem
Demy psychology said…
eiya, at last
Demy psychology said…
so hw did dey resolv to dat decision
Demy psychology said…
dey r meant to let us kno
Demy psychology said…
ehn eh, wich guy worn d mr mass comm self?
Demy psychology said…
dis mass comm ting don tire person self.
Demy psychology said…
mr, dts probably cos evrytin dosnt come at once or at a blow, it comes in turns n dats y som posts r i rows.
Demy psychology said…
left for me, i find it very difficult reading a cumbersome comment.
Demy psychology said…
i read urs cos i really needed what to comment on
Demy psychology said…
i enjoy short clear n precise posts
Mr bobby said…
Unknown said…
@Stanley, @masscom night, I heard alot of girls expressing their unhappiness over her victory.
Unknown said…
But for sure, I knew that there is no way every body will be happy with her.
Unknown said…
L just knew the girl is lucky...
Unknown said…
It is a thing of joy to see her celebrate her victory...
Unknown said…
No matter what people said, it cant change the fact that she won.
Unknown said…
And she also got a reward for her victory which is a good thing...
Kizzy Psych said…
hw did dey resolv to dat decision
Kizzy Psych said…
It is a thing of joy to see her celebrate her victory... bt na she win abi na d oda gal???
Kizzy Psych said…
Am really getting confused here oooo
Kizzy Psych said…
Lets rejoice wit dem bikonu dey really tried oooo
Kizzy Psych said…
What baffles me most is dat free hair dressing for one complete yr nawa ooo
Kizzy Psych said…
During break sf if she want she go come from house come plait her hair....lolzzzzzzz
Kizzy Psych said…
Pls oo make she no misuse dat priviledge ooo
Kizzy Psych said…
I mean going der lyk every week to replait her hair just bcos she has been granted d opportunity to do so.. Play maturely Miss Masscomm
Kizzy Psych said…
Kizzy Psych said…
Free boxers nd singlet dem no even give am or beta still free Cd's lolzzzzzzzz
Kizzy Psych said…
Wetin Sug suppose do dem just deprive d guy of wat duly belongs to him
Kizzy Psych said…
Mr best kudos to u bt notin for Mr Masscomm????
Unknown said…
From the look of things, I think there is nothing for him @all.
Unknown said…
They reward only the female contenders...
Unknown said…
Nothing for the guys...unless if maybe they give to them but not posting the infos.
Unknown said…
Something has to be done about this.
Unknown said…
If not for anything, @least for the purpose of encouraging others to come up for the positions.
Unknown said…
Because from the way this is going, there wont be any motivations for the guys...since the girls are the ones to go home with the greatest gifts...
Unknown said…
Any way, I think that time shall tell.
Unknown said…
Lets just be watching out for what next...
Anonymous said…
Greatest gwogwo,greatest eyeah i just dropped my gospel SONG,am the P.R.O of ANSU ALLSTAR'S&RAP SKUL DIRECTOR OF CHRIST EMBASSY,C.E.O OF ZOE EMPIRE CREW,you can call me RAPVANGELIST because i take the gospel round with rap&singing.A.K.A URCHEESE download my songs at this link
babyblinks said…
Nyc 1 sha oooooo
beautiful said…
Dis is a really wonderful decision.
beautiful said…
She was d contestant dat I was hoping to win.
beautiful said…
Anyway wat a good decision.
beautiful said…
Dis is a really wonderful decision.
beautiful said…
She is d girl I hoped to win it.
beautiful said…
Congratulation to you my Dear.
beautiful said…
U r d gal I wanted to win. I a$ so happy for you.
beautiful said…
And I knw you must hv start to plan wat hair style to make at ifeanyis shop?
beautiful said…
Hmm make una take am easy ohh.
Evelyn okolie said…
Wait a minute,was dah tears of joy or wat.....
Kizzy Psych said…
Na ify be dey only miss ansu wey i no know oooo
Evelyn okolie said…
Miss mass com not miss Ansu @kizzy

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