OAU student gives birth & attempts to flush new born baby down the toilet in school hostel

According to reports I got this morning from students of Obafemi Awolowo University, a female student of the school gave birth in the Moremi Hostel hall toilet and attempted to flush the baby but was caught my the hall cleaners.

They say the girl's name is Oyin (let's leave her surname out for now) and she's a 400l student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The incident happened early wednesday morning at around 7.

According to a student of the school who sent in the photo, a cleaner heard a baby crying inside one of the toilet stalls and saw blood coming from under the door as she went to clean the toilets. She quickly went to call other cleaners and the hall porters and they forced the door open.

When they entered the toilet they saw the student pouring water inside the closet, the baby turned upside down, with the head inside the closet. They also found bagco sack inside the toilet

One of the women dipped her hand inside and removed the baby...a boy, who was still very much alive but bleeding from the nose. The cleaners called school management who rushed both the girl and the new born baby to Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital for treatment. The placenta fell while they were rushing the girl to the hospital. (Rescued baby pictured above)


Unknown said…
this is man's inhumanity to man..tnk God dat d baby was rescued...this tins happns in dis our generation...my fellow youths stay away from unprotected sex...stay safe or stay clear from sex..
Private User said…
It's homicide. She has attempted murder. What devilish act?!!
nwankwo henry economics said…
When young people decide to act the consequence is not alws been imagined,the problem of youth's today in terms of issues concerning relationship is that the see it as an avenue for sexual joy,that has been the biggest issues of medical practioners who have reported that the number of abortion performed by girls have trippled from d past years now the crux of the matter is will there be a solution to thi????
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Buh that's a very foolish act.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
People have 2 be really critical about this issue 2 avoid miscomseption
nwankwo henry economics said…
She also needs to be tried,not jut her but the father of the baby...
nwankwo henry economics said…
This might also be the fault of the school society cos obviously she was carrying the pregnancy all along...
Unknown said…
Evil still seems to be part of this world...things are getting worse by the day.
enunwe somto bkf said…
dats xo wicked nd bad f her...wat was she tinkn den..nawa ooo. Tnk God 4 d lyf f dat child
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Youth dis dayz can do undo......
nwankwo Henry economics said…
This girl suppose to be. Chrge for murder.....ur onw baby tjat yu carried for 9 good months....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
Since she carried d baby for 9 months.dn Whts now the need of eliminating the babies life after birth.....
nwankwo Henry economics said…
She should hav taken the baby to motherless home....
beautiful said…
Dis story is so untinkable! Wat will bring about such wickedness and behaviour?
beautiful said…
After carrying d child for nine months, she had d guts to kill him?
beautiful said…
Dis is real wickedness and foolishness.
beautiful said…
Y not bear d full burden, wat was she tinking?
beautiful said…
I suggest she should b punished for dis action.
beautiful said…
She should b treated like she commited murder
beautiful said…
Pls we all should b kind hearted. Dis baby will grow up and may bcome a grt personality tommorow.
Unknown said…
Wetin sef wit these girls of nowadays?
Unknown said…
Why she no simply keep the pikin,...afterall, she don carryam for nine months...
Unknown said…
What was she even thinking?
Unknown said…
Some girls dae mumu ooo...
Unknown said…
She think she can do such an act and go free?
Unknown said…
Anyway...It is her own cross...let her carry it.
Unknown said…
I just hope that other girls will learn from this...
Unknown said…
Because this is a lesson to learn...
Unknown said…
The pregnancy must have really traumatised her for sure...
Unknown said…
Thats why such a devilish act came to her mind...
Kizzy Psych said…
Nawa y pple get wicked hrt lyk dis???
Kizzy Psych said…
Y flushing d child nah it wuld av been beta if u have kept him wit d motherless babies dan trying to take d life of such an innocent soul
Kizzy Psych said…
D rate at which gals get pregnant in skuls nowadays is really getting out of hand ooo
Kizzy Psych said…
At least i knw of 5 unwanted pregnancies in dis skul nw
Kizzy Psych said…
Wat actually is dis generation turning into???
Kizzy Psych said…
Gals watch ur backs ooo nobody will accept to marry u ooo
Melisko said…
D gal fuck up>na fuck up>to her and to d father of dat boy
Unknown said…
@kizzy, na true you talk because if they continue getting pregnant like this, marriage for them go hard ooo...even if they get @all, in most cases it wont be the kind of man they want to settle down with.
babyblinks said…
Wat a tragedy
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
this very very bad
beautiful said…
Dis is wat is happening in our present world at d moment.
beautiful said…
No self restrain, notin.
beautiful said…
D young people of dis generation don't see a big deal about sex anymore, dey jst do it anywer anyhow.
beautiful said…
And dey r so heartless and wicked.
beautiful said…
How can a gal as young as her age want to kill her own baby?
beautiful said…
A child she carried for 9months. Dis is so sad.
beautiful said…
She is so heartless and wicked.
beautiful said…
I knw she must hv faced a lot of pressure from family, friends, peer groups etc... Bt dat doesn't giv her d ryt to kill d Child.
beautiful said…
Dat shouldn't b a reason for her to want to flush out her Child.
beautiful said…
Its an abomination. May God forgive her.
beautiful said…
Pls all young gals out der, we should all b cautios
beautiful said…
We shouldn't be heartless
beautiful said…
Dis is pure wickedness and d Baby should b taken away from her.
beautiful said…
Cos she might still attempt to kill d baby.

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