Meet the face of Philosophy

Nice photo shots! Philosophy beauty queen...


Unknown said…
Philosophers no dae carry last...
spydee+ psychology said…
Abii?????chai d girl make sense ......everly I go still chyk her
spydee+ psychology said…
Nwa follow me fo twitter @RICHARD
spydee+ psychology said…
Nwa follow me for twitter @RICHARD
Stanley aniba=philosophy said…
We no dey doll
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Nne u fine no b gush
spydee+ psychology said…
No need d girl d trip for me already
spydee+ psychology said…
Am nt goin 2 miss dis nyt cus of dis girl.......I go rock her PERSONALY meanwhile study her PSYCHOLOGICALY
spydee+ psychology said…
Lol.......daz psquare 4 u
spydee+ psychology said…
Lol ......daz p square fo u
eduemma said…
congrats to beauty queen, wishing u the best luck
eduemma said…
congrats to beauty queen, wishing u the best luck
spydee+ psychology said…
Also dnt 4get 2 reseave a seat fo me dat dat....although dat day is my departmental nyt 2 bt I go miss cus of u
eduemma said…
u are a woman of sustains
u are the shinning coal
u are my night, world.
I will always eulogyize u.
eduemma said…
u are the beauty morning star.
beautiful said…
Dats good. I am so happy for you.
beautiful said…
Dats good. I am so happy for you.
Unknown said…
U made it congrat
Unknown said…
U made it at last am happy 4 u
beautiful said…
Am really impressed oo..she merits it joor
beautiful said…
I heard so much abt dis face of phil bt wot am cin hia is encouragn.congras to u dearie
mirabel said…
Omg dats my boo of life. I love u ify. Ur d most beautiful
Unknown said…
She is okay....she try shaa
.seems she is d finest in her dept.....
Kizzy Psych said…
Mirabel hold ur self abeg
Kizzy Psych said…
Bt d gal fyn ooooo chaiii
Kizzy Psych said…
She is photogenic shaa no be so wey she dey life
Kizzy Psych said…
Although she is fyn in life shaaa bt she is more beautiful here
Kizzy Psych said…
Taaaa spydee make u hear abeg
Kizzy Psych said…
Pesin wey no knw u sef na wetin u dey talk rubbish lyk dis
Kizzy Psych said…
I saw in her poster at skul dat she likes making friends pls does dat include males??
Kizzy Psych said…
Cuz am really interested in at friendship stuff
Kizzy Psych said…
Carry on babe i am seriously seacing for u ooo take note
Kizzy Psych said…
Epitome of beauty indeed
Kizzy Psych said…
I just pray u wont disgrace me if i approach u
Demy psychology said…
ify is a beauty quin in did
Demy psychology said…
ur mouth too dey sharp
Demy psychology said…
dis one wer u n spydee don km bck, we no go hear word
Demy psychology said…
u dey tell mirabel make u hear lyk say u sabi her
Demy psychology said…
if uv eva sin ify lyk u claim den uv seen mirable
Demy psychology said…
dey r neva seperated
Demy psychology said…
d same lodge n d sem department
Demy psychology said…
n above all, dey r best frns
Demy psychology said…
n meanwhile, mirabel is ma frnd
Demy psychology said…
she ws one tym d face of gistmeansu
Demy psychology said…
dat shows shes prety or evn prettier
Demy psychology said…
so nxt tym, dont run urr mouth on her lyk dt
Demy psychology said…
spydee, i sure say u neva pay nyt fee
Demy psychology said…
buh i won go rock woman for another nyt
Demy psychology said…
na u o, no be i. Lock up o
Shakira english dept said…
fyn gal
Evelyn okolie said…
She is so preety,thumbs up to her....
babyblinks said…
She z pretty.
babyblinks said…
Fyn gal.
Unknown said…
She is a daughter of philosophy, as such she too is the daughter of beauty and wisdom.
Kizzy Psych said…
If him rock am nko wetim do am nah
Kizzy Psych said…
I sabi am nah no be d small one ???
Kizzy Psych said…
Haba i tell u?? Or re u his spokes gal
Kizzy Psych said…
Nawa ooo make we hear nah
Kizzy Psych said…
Nnnnaaa ah still dey tink abt dis gal
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
wow cool pics she looks pretty tho.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
i wonder how long she will be face of philosophy cos she deservs to be 1 for long
nwankwo henry economics said…
she is damn preety....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
well the photoshop did a whole lot of job tho....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
other department shld get sm1 cuter naaa i trust escpli eco...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
great girl cool girl cute girl shes just good on the photography....
nwogbo onyinye aka finest said…
OJE said…
Wow...Na ds gal????...An impeccable revelation of Gods wonderful creation.....In ha xteristic calculated steps as if she has a numba of step to use in a day,Ha hips rings d exact bel dt summons men to d grave..
OJE said…
To d boyfrnd,i must honestly tel u dt its beta to die on top ds gal dan to die by accident,alwys engage wit ha in dt private function in wich clothes is a hindrance....Long lyf awaits u
Kizzy Psych said…
lolz oje nawa u o
Kizzy Psych said…
wat grammer??? Nawa o
Kizzy Psych said…
u go take am easy o all of us no be same nah

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