this is d 3rd item he is giving out dis semester.he did it @ sug nyt.also @ my detpmtl nyt .. i promise to cheer biger than anyone else once you receive it @ chizyyy. all thanks to mr best
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
I am so so happy for you Chizoba Egboluche. You shouldn't bother yourself about the name, just be happy cos today, you're an Honored guest to Gistmeansu and Chapter 5.
Am so hpy hav received it oh. Its a nyc one sha buh so much argument are still goin on 2 d fact dat am not supposed 2 be d winner nd such tlk is givin mi so much concern
It has been announced and can no longer be reversed. You're the winner and I believe by now, you have the phone in your hand. It's just that before the result was announced, nobody knew your whereabout nor did anybody see your posts and comment. Go pimp your phone lol ***winks***
I have a lot of things on my hand and managing ANSUBOOK could be hectic, so I decided to place it for sale. Its a copycat of To view the site please click here Please contact Mr.Best on 08037214678 if you are interested. (For students only)