By Alvan Obiakor(Mademan): Show business and Awards in Ansu.

Admittedly, human beings are fascinated with awards. We love to gawk at the shinny trophies, glossy plagues, and framed certificates of any and every kind of winner. And as human species we are, we place alot of stock in importance, abilities and general coolness of those who've come home "the winner". As entertainers, we know for sure that what first draws the attention of press and the media houses: is the wall lined up with your awards.
      With all this scripted explanation of mine,am trying to postulate something in particular which is the "system of awards in Anambra state university Igbariam campus. With my little knowledge about awards,i can convince you that "an award is a prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement or milestone being accomplished, but In Igbariam campus,this definition of mine is null and void because there awards are are been bought off and issued to the highest bidder. Sometimes when i take a depicted look at artistes and the S.u.g in my campus i laugh in a great dismay, because i dont know their own understanding on showbiz as a whole. I would not like to mention names but anyone who comes across this piece of write up will believe me that am fully acquainted of what am writing,but Let me not emphasize further but rather create a clearer picture of what am insinuating. As an artiste or a beauty queen of what glory befits it when u buy your way to the top just to reach out to a limited fan base in Igbariam, with the notion of welcoming praises and if possible attract some female/male folks to yourself. For crying out loud the organizers of this awards both in the departments and S.u.g should please do us a favor by observing a clear scrutiny in other to avoid giving out awards to Half baked,undeserved and unqualified personeels. Awards are not meant for mediocrities and therefore its not supposed to be bought over, rather its for the deserved. Imagine awarding the best rapper award to someone who cant even drop a clear 8 bars rap with a nice puchline or awarding the best entertainer award to someone who doesnt sweep me off my feet once he gets on stage.
         Another issue that baffles me in my campus is the dramatic saga of few students trying to monopolize the school show business. This few are the ones who decide who is to perform in a show,who is to be awarded,who is to be recognized and so on. This issue makes me feel like trowing up sometimes because i have had a couple of encounter with this people which i have been opportuned to listen to their wack,baseless,unmixed and unmastered songs (am not beefing anyone).And this are the few who decides the fate of young and talented artistes in my school. Sometimes they go to the extent of collecting money from this young talented artiste for them to showcase in their show. Show business is not all about bringing a fellow brother down for you to be untop, which means the entertainment industry is like the stars in the sky which is too large that no matter how big you are,you cant occupy the whole space. Once you are a market people will keep discussing about you,and bear it in mind that talents cant be taking away.
       If i keep on writing on igbariam show business and awards, trust me i will write more things which will make you read till your eye balls begs for mercy. Lets just have a thoughtful thinking and be a patriotic student in other to make our school a better place. Remain Blessed!!!

By Alvan.


Private User said…
I appreciate the message you are trying to disseminate, Alvan Mademan. Your words are as sharp as a two-edged sword. The truth always remains and you say everything as it is. You have the details raw, you give it raw. #garbageingarbageout
beautiful said…
I agree wit u Alvan, I see d award n I wonder how com? In one of my comments in an earlier post I was against artist in dis skul tryin to form a cabal. Somtin like ANSU all stars and tins like dat. Even in d masscom. Nite last nyt, dey wanted to award d winner to d girl dat ansas question d most. For GOD sake its a beauty contest not a quiz. Physical appearance should remain d best criteria to judge, not how briliant u r. Dats y its called a beauty contest not a quiz section. Dis is ANSU way for you and its not dat ok. Pls we should try as hard as possible to change d way we see tins.
beautiful said…
Alvan I knw U as a very good musician.
nwankwo henry economics said…
good 1 mr mademan but if you sure got some issues with somepeople i would prefer you settle it amicably in a more civilised and matured manner this is a young skool trying to make someting out of the few or no funds at all available to us,and monopolising awards show cant say a lot about that but you got ur point made....
beautiful said…
I hv one of ur song in my phone.
beautiful said…
I first heard u sing last year in my year one. It was so good.
nwankwo henry economics said…
but this is a big 1 from mr mademan how sure is he?????
beautiful said…
Wen I listen to ur tracks, it makes me wonder, dis guy is so so gud, but y is he not well recognised in dis skul?
beautiful said…
Maybe bcos he don't want to. I tink he likes being invisible.
nwankwo henry economics said…
dont vent your isues on bloggs please you can as well go to the SUG i kne they got people that deal with such issues
beautiful said…
All I can say bout ur post is dat ur complains r all true.
nwankwo henry economics said…
now truth be said some awards have called for questions but is your grudge the fact that you werent given 1 or the right people should be recognised ???
beautiful said…
I tinl dis school as a whole needs to start placing more values to d award being given out.
nwankwo henry economics said…
we not sure of your claims so me for one will not ascend to this yet
beautiful said…
I tink dis will giv d awards a lot more respect.
nwankwo henry economics said…
awards are meant to encourage not discourage others so better work hard
nwankwo henry economics said…
some of the awards are well desearved......
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
well that is a nice one
nwankwo henry economics said…
just hate it when most people dont get what they want they end up hitting on others
nwankwo henry economics said…
now the whole idea of this post is????????mr mademan we will all like to know
nwankwo henry economics said…
one thing you should have in mind is perfection is what know man can reach so mistakes are bound to be made.......
nwankwo henry economics said…
no 1 here is sayin your complaints might not be rite but there are better ways to treat issues like this
nwankwo henry economics said…
heard your song and sincerly not the best tin i have heard but didnt go around hitting on upcomin acts,we all need time we shld give dem time
nwankwo henry economics said…
even the famous grammy awards got its flaws bro
nwankwo henry economics said…
the people only need some encouragement not discouragement sir
nwankwo henry economics said…
the world is a competitive village the successful dont complain they keep working to achieve there set goals....
Unknown said…
Mademan you simply hit the nail on the head here
Unknown said…
Monopoly is really a serious problem in my school ooo...
Unknown said…
Something has to be done seriously about this...
beautiful said…
D wholr idea of d post is clearly stated der.
beautiful said…
Wat else will u want to knw?
beautiful said…
U r really not undestandin d post.
beautiful said…
@Henry; u r mt even getting d point of d post.
beautiful said…
He is talkin bout d way award is being given out in dis skul and you r here commenting d opposite reply.
beautiful said…
We all knw dat wen it comes to given award in ANSU, he is telling d truth.
nwankwo henry economics said…
we all know that when it comes to award presentation a whole lot of people will alws have lots of negative tins to say......
nwankwo henry economics said…
we dont need to start acting like a 25yr old that lost its mommy,crying for breast milk wen we all know the world is a competitive village........
Nyc ideal
nwankwo henry economics said…
somepeople should understand what this sentence means drop a comment,you have the right to support or not support the post not tell others they dont know what they are saying...
nwankwo henry economics said…
we dont have to be maiopic at this we not really sure of his true intentions tho....
nwankwo henry economics said…
i love your post sir but what amazes me is that its comin now after previous awards have been issued we now ask is this crying over spilt milk????
nwankwo henry economics said…
for everyone that wasnt given an award and deserves it,we can only say we wish you better luck next time.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
we all know that people will not be so appopriate about their decisions some times some people say things or lay complaints because of there own not saying any one is
E-blaze said…
I like dis topic alot cos wot mademan is saying is very tru but i strongly belive no matter d cabalism in d music industry one has 2 fyt 4 a space in d entertainment sector if u sit back and complain then u are saying notyn i no d level of cabalism in dis skul wen i came in but i fought 2 stay relevant its normal 'l u ve 2 do is stay tru 2 ur values and fyt wit a due process approach
valentineBiG said…
To me and for my own side,i believe this is a nice write up especially to those who always buy awards in any show in dis school,for them to also have it in mind that we all knw that they are flops cus they dont deserve the award being given to them..those who are not able to do something are now being awarded for something they dont knw nothing about...
This always happens in every SUG nite in dis school,to my own perception i believe the S U G office is like using those people to generate money to their own personal pockets..,cuz many people who dont deaerve the award are now being awarded cus they bought it with their money just to add fame to their names
I wish that this write up wil bring out good things most especially change to the next government who gonna take over the S U G next year
valentineBiG said…
The thing is that people who is at the top dont do things accordling,if we ever start like this wot wil be our fate if we go out frm this sch and even continue living the same way...
Imagine people who do things in a right way for them to be crowned are not being crowned cus they dont bribe,
People who bribe their way always to the top are always being awarded and the thing that pain me most is that those people dont posses the charaterization of the award being given award
Demy psychology said…
before i comment, i'd lyk to beg gist me ansu to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase beg ntwrk so deyll alow me stay here to njoy wts in d house.
Demy psychology said…
ur msg is quite clear n precise. Dts d msg, uve said it all.
Demy psychology said…
awards should b given to d most deserved n nt d highest bidder, its nt done
Demy psychology said…
nw if we d young ppl begin lyyk dis, wt will happen to d future dt we wheel, dah means curruption wud b d oda of d day.
Demy psychology said…
lets shawn dis tings, if we gt d award fyn, if we dont, lets b proud knowing dt nt evry1 cud tk such steps as coming out.
Unknown said…
Yeah yeah yeah...nothing to say sha bu wat I know in ansu is dat awards are not been given to those who deserves it but instead pple buy this awards which is very annoying.....
Unknown said…
Yes thats true my man.
Unknown said…
Eblaze also made it clear that an artiste needs to hustle for his own recognition.
Private User said…
Well from what you're saying, ANSU is corrupt. In this generalisation, you mean in all areas and sectors in the school. Well, if I may ask, since Gistmeansu is affliated to ANSU, is she also corrupt as ANSU? Do people buy their awards or do they get it by merit and hardwork? I just want to know and I expect a better reply - maybe from the administrators themselve.
Private User said…
Well Valentine, I support you stance. I pray this is not in every sector of the school and not in Gistmeansu nor Chapter 5.
Unknown said…
@Mademan,I feel ur pain..we all hop dat change will come whn d right pple re In d right positions @ Igbariam Campus.
Unknown said…
Lik wats hapnin here,cos of d small price bn givn 2 d most active GMA bloggers,pepl nw discuss tru comments.
Unknown said…
That one dae ooo.
Unknown said…
Things will be getting better soon enough in Ansu.
Unknown said…
Well these syndicate stuf will still outlive in Ansu.
Unknown said…
Igbariam campus will surely assimilate with the realities of life.
Unknown said…
We will surely be moving to higher heights...
Unknown said…
We shal surely make it to the promise land.
Unknown said…
G.m.A will help in making that possible.
beautiful said…
We all seems to hv same mind here.
beautiful said…
Eblaze I knw u r so good. Tanx for letting d pple knw ur mind.
beautiful said…
Is dere really a need for ANSU all stars?
beautiful said…
Freedom is all I want. Let dis guys prove demselves.
Unknown said…
At times I wonder whats the need for Ansu all stars.
Unknown said…
Because most time it causes segregation among the school artist.
Unknown said…
Without such associations, one can easily prove his or herself in the activities he indulges into.
Unknown said…
Any way...these associations are also involved in making students realizing themselves.
Unknown said…
As long as we live in this cursed world, there will always be a need for fight.
Unknown said…
Especially when it comes to recognition.
Unknown said…
As such to me, all these are part of human nature.
Kizzy Psych said…
Babe its nt only u dat network us affecting ooo soo kul down babe
Kizzy Psych said…
Nice commentary
Kizzy Psych said…
Smtimes d highest bidder shld be considered oooo
Kizzy Psych said…
Smtimes d highest bidder shld be considered oooo
Kizzy Psych said…
U nw talk maturely babe i luv dat
Kizzy Psych said…
Yap dats really a nice write up i pray say tinz no go dey d same everywer oo
Kizzy Psy said…
Who is dis alvan sef
Kizzy Psych said…
Yap even at dat sug nyt d prices wasnt given properly
Kizzy Psych said…
I really luv dis write up soo much at least d truth be made open
beautiful said…
I really like d way you drop ur hint Alvan.
beautiful said…
Ders notin like to open up and say ur mind.
beautiful said…
And fortunatly he is saying d real truth.
beautiful said…
Dis is exactly wat is happening in dis skul.
beautiful said…
Wia awards r being bought, not minding to knw who is suppose to b d actual winner.
beautiful said…
Wia d music industry is monopolised.
beautiful said…
Wia der is a cabal of musical artist.
beautiful said…
A place wia d entertainment industry is filled and ruled by d new comers.
beautiful said…
Pple dat dnt knw d ways, rules,
beautiful said…
Alvan you jst succeeded in speakin not jst ur mind but d mind of many. Cos tins r nt run properly around here.

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