TWC launches cloth line in honour of Tessy

 The TWC head just emailed me this news this afternoon. He said the TWC shirt in honour of Tessy is out for sale, for those whom would like to attend the burial this is for you.

Call> 08134950625. Booking ends on Wednesday.


Unknown said…
This is a great news...
Unknown said…
It is a good developement.
Unknown said…
This programme is highly welcomed.
chizoba Egboluche said…
Ride on Eblaze. Tessy will alwyz remember dat. Its a nyc one nd am in support
Shakira english dept said…
Nyc work eblaze
babyblinks said…
Yep nyc work
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Kul thougt .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Keep it up .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
R.I.P TessY . We luv u .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Good work .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Nice Endeavour .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
We appreciate dis .
Unknown said…
nice bro..i see ya
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
That is a good and nice development
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
Am feeling that design in that cloth
Private User said…
I think it's a great thing to do. Alot of people have mourned and honour Tessy's death but I think that this guy have gone an extra mile in doing that. Truly, TWC in this line needs a commendation.
babyblinks said…
Olivia masscom said…
This is a very good idea eblaze and twc are really trying pls dont relent in your efforts pls continue 2 promote ansu entertainment i think twc and chapter5 deserve awards 4 dia contributions
Anonymous said…
Tank God 4 people like mrbest and eblaze
Zico said…
Dis innovations are fantastic Godbless twc
Unknown said…
Thats good...
Unknown said…
Twc really making sense with their packages...
Unknown said…
Things are moving forward...
Unknown said…
I hope it will be organised
Unknown said…
This is all in memory of our loved one...
Unknown said…
We seriously need to put in much effort into making this work...
Unknown said…
We will need to work together so as to actualise this...
Demy psychology said…
hmmmmmmm, dts a nice one
Demy psychology said…
she deserves to b paid her last respect
Demy psychology said…
wts d meaning of twc?
Kizzy Psych said…
Demy juo google
Kizzy Psych said…
Dats really a nice idea
Kizzy Psych said…
Bt u shuld av showed us d sample of wat is been said now
Kizzy Psych said…
TWC really making brain dats kul
beautiful said…
Dis is very good.
beautiful said…
Dis wil keep her memory for a real long time.
beautiful said…
Aeeyah. TWC, u guys really try for her.
beautiful said…
I knw she will b happy wia eva she is now.
beautiful said…
We hv really made her proud.
beautiful said…
Pls were is d venue of d burial?
beautiful said…
Wen will b d date.
beautiful said…
At last she will rest in peace.
beautiful said…
Wat a painful site it will be. Nobody knws it will end dis way!
beautiful said…
Its a pity dat it ended dis way. But as we all knw. God knws d best.
beautiful said…
Adieu Tessy, we love you, but GOD loves U d most.
beautiful said…
Rest in peace my Dear.
beautiful said…
I knw u r in d bossom of d LORD!!!
Unknown said…
This is a good news indeed
Unknown said…
It is an improvement indeed...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
nice 1 am glad she is remembered
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now this a good1 nice way of advertising cos some people dont know anytin about the clothing line.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
is ds a new strategy for fashion promotion in ansu?????
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we love the strategy of young people channeling dere ideas into something good
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the fashion world is so amazing to have young people fighting for a place in the business....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
but the truth is you must have a very good business idea to start a business in fashion....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the achievement of a young business depends on the marketing strategy.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we all deserve something like this and more in this school....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the laziness among young people this days makes this a laudable achievement
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we all but wonder the support the dude must have gotten from private companies....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
bcos we knw how much pple lack private spprt
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
people dont get the idea about how a well suitable is hard to start up thats why things like this shld be spprtd
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the rate of crimes can be reduced if things like ds can be reduced.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
this is the best way to reduce crime but the help of private spprt will really be needed
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
most of the young people in this country have got a lot of talent but the avenue to display dere art is limited
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
with all the industries shut down,this is the nli way we young pple can display our talent
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we not gonna live young forever so we need now 2 explore our youthful energy positively
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the next question is how are you gonna sell ????
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
this is a new business and profit is gonna be neccessary.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
due to the environment yu re will you be reducing the price???
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we dont have to base our business on just profit dere shld be a plan before goin into any business e.g the environment
Unknown said…
It is indeed going to create a magnificent business environment in our school...
Unknown said…
And we need to hold on to that and keep pushing..
Unknown said…
A great news...
Unknown said…
We are heading somewhere indeed...
Unknown said…
This is a sign of great things to come in ansu...
Unknown said…
Ansu i dae hail ooo...
beautiful said…
Wat will really b d inscriptuon on d shirt?
beautiful said…
D funds generated from d sell of d shirt, were will it go?
eduemma said…
am ready 4 that

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