Peter, Paul and Jude Okoye donate N5million to OJB

P-Square and their elder brother Jude 'Engees' Okoye yesterday donated N5million to ailing music producer OJB who needs N16million for a kidney transplant. God bless you guys!


beautiful said…
Wow dis is a really goodnews, hv always dey will do somtin.
beautiful said…
A very big tank you to d wonderful twins,
Kizzy Psych said…
wow dats really wondaful o
Kizzy Psych said…
5m was much mehn doz boiz really tried o
Kizzy psych said…
make God help d guy recover o nt make all dis moni be waste o
Wow.......d r indeed a gud frnd
Unknown said…
GOD blessed dem
Unknown said…
Sweet sweet sweet......7m now available
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
that is what is expected from people
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
Not to the chop nd chop all the money
Shakira english dept said…
Wow! Gud samaritans
enunwe somto. Bkf said…
dats good of dem. God wil reward dem wela

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